Sally Marston is a visually impaired with low spectrum Asperger's runner. Help Sam to guide Sally to run the Nov 2019 New York Marathon.
Thank you for helping me (Sam) to help Sally to achieve one of her biggest goals yet in her life. Sally Marston is a visually impaired with low spectrum Asperger's runner. She is going to run her first marathon in New York in Nov 2019. I first met her in Nov 2018 when I started with Achilles Hamilton. Because of her disability, she was once a very shy lady with confidence issues. After running for less than 2 years, she has completely changed, full of confidence and not afraid to hold a conversation with strangers anymore. Running has created a new world for her, brought new friends and new life to her. To run 42.19km is not an easy task for anyone, we are so proud of Sally.
Everyone should always have a plan in their life, whatever it is. My plan is to train with and guide Sally for this marathon. We promise to do our best and never give up. This will no doubt change our lives forever. “You can’t help everyone, just try to help one at a time, and the world will be a better place”.
I'm going to look after her from NZ to New York, finish our mission, and bring her back. My trip is completely self-funded.
All funds raised go to Achilles International NZ (tax deductible). Any money raised over and above needed for this trip will go towards other Waikato disabled athletes travelling overseas next year.
Thank you all for your very generous donations..... 8 June 2019
Any extra donations will be passed onto other Achilles Waikato disabled athletes to support their events.
Thank you so much for your generous donation. Not 42km, it is 42.19km!! I can assure you we haven't destroyed any Hamilton roads because of too much running.
Thank you Marine Foods, very generous of you.
I am so humble by your generosity. Thank youuuuuuuu.
Thank you so much for your donation, we would do our best. Very kind of you.