$2,690 of $5,000 goal
Given by 39 generous donors in 14 days

Help Scarlett Raise funds for Tia jaynes fight with an extremely rare and aggressive Cancer. Scarlett is shaving for Tia. ❤️❤️

Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty

My Beautiful Daughter Scarlett Rose is about to do an unbelievable selfless act of kindness.

Scarlett has just turned 14yrs. Yesterday she came home from school telling us about a young girl called Tia Jayne and her fight with a very rare cancer. Mount college are doing a shave for Tia.

Scarlett being Scarlett said well she needs help and I have hair so, it's all coming off.

Tia needs my help 😊 so on the 23rd Sept Scarlett is Shaving her beautiful curly locks to raise money for Tia and is

Donating her hair to The Cancer Foundation.

We can't express how very proud of Scarlett we

are, she is our free spirited girl who walks to the beat of her own drum.❤️

Please help Scarlett to help Tia.

Let's not let all her beautiful curls go to waste.


Please help us support the Rodger Whanau as our gorgeous Tia-Jayne fights as hard as she can against a rare, aggressive Cancer.

Our gorgeous 'Earth Angel', Tia-Jayne, has been diagnosed with an aggressive, rare Cancer - Malignant Gastrointestinal Neuroectodermal Tumors (GNET).

Tia is only 18 years old and is fighting this for the second time. In 2019, Tia underwent surgery to remove GNET tumors from her abdomen and this surgery was, at the time, successful. Unfortunately, surgery is not an option this time around.

Tia has a special way about her. Both beautiful inside and out, she has an admirable sense of freedom, never being afraid to be unique in everything she does. She cares deeply for all those close to her, and since her devastating diagnosis, has been more worried about the effect it is having on others, rather than herself. She is adored and deeply treasured by her family and friends, who cannot imagine a life without the light and laughter she brings to every occasion.

💕We believe Tia is the only person in NZ to have this type of cancer and less than 60 cases worldwide. As there have only been a few cases worldwide, there is no tried and tested treatment plan for GNET. Fortunately, Tia’s Oncology Specialist team is recommending specific immunotherapy drugs to give her the best fighting chance.

This whanau are doing it tough but by joining forces, we stand a better chance to help Tia fight this.

We put out this plea of support for this incredibly gorgeous family, who have been hit with this life changing diagnosis. We want, and need, to ensure Tia is able to source everything she needs to enable the family to fight this. We therefore thank you for taking the time to read a brief description of their story. - Updated

Frances Cooper's involvement (page creator)

Tia is a student at Monut Maunganui Collage.

Scarlett is in Yr 8. Tias fight is known well at the school. So the school is raising money by rallying the kids together to shave for Tia.

Latest donations

Cooney Lees Morgan
Cooney Lees Morgan on 29 Sep 2021
What a fantastic cause, well done Scarlett. Kind regards Cooney Lees Morgan
The village barber
The village barber on 27 Sep 2021
Bless you both Tia and Scarlett! The Village Barber
Sarah on 23 Sep 2021
You are amazing Scarlett! So brave ❤️
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Sep 2021
Glenis on 23 Sep 2021
Thanks Scarlet for helping and caring

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Created by Frances Cooper
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This campaign started on 15 Sep 2021 and ended on 29 Sep 2021.