Raising money to support the training of K9MD dogs to detect cancer and other diseases. In memory of John Cooper.
My Uncle John had Prostate Cancer and passed away on the 17th of April last year in the UK.
John left behind family and friends who miss him dearly, and also my one year old son over here in New Zealand who never got to meet him. It makes my heart ache to think someone who played such an important role in who I am today, won't be a part of my son's life.
Since he passed away I have thought over and over about what I could do and how I could honour his death and it wasn't until I came across the K9MD charity that I realised what I wanted to do. K9MD are fighting Prostate cancer and trying to stop more families like my own go through the pain of losing a loved one, but they need help in doing so. Information about K9MD and the amazing things they are trying to achieve is at the bottom of the page.
Each December, every year, right up until the end of Christmas Day, I'm going to be raising as much money as I can for the fight against prostate cancer as a gift to my Uncle John, and then when my son is old enough he will learn to know John as I do and see how much he meant to me and my family.
I realise December is an expensive month already for most people but anything you can give will be gratefully received and will make a difference. It's already a few days into the month but if we can get $500 by Christmas Day I will shave my head, and if we can get to my target of $1000 I promise to keep the shaved head until December next year, and the $25 a month I would have spent on haircuts will be going to the charity.
K9 MEDICAL DETECTION NEW ZEALAND is a registered charitable trust with the aim of improving the health of all New Zealanders by using specifically trained dogs to detect cancer and other diseases, assist individuals with a life-threatening medical condition and detect infectious diseases anywhere within New Zealand.
To find out more go to: www.k9md.org.nz
My family lost someone to Prostate Cancer and I want to do my bit to try and help other families avoid the same heartache.