Fighting to Help to save the animals in New Zealand

$1,205 of $500 goal
Given by 29 generous donors in 22 days

Help the struggling animals in New Zealand. Donate to support animal welfare.


I am participating in the OUSA charity fight night 2019, Friday 12th July. I am raising money for this charity that is close to my heart!

New Zealand has a very large problem regarding animal welfare. HUHA NZ (Helping YOU help animals) is a charity fully run on donations from the community and only has volunteer workers. They are the only 100% no kill animal shelter in New Zealand which is amazing, every life counts no matter what. They are one of the leading animal welfare groups in NZ making the voices of NZ heard.

The extent of their work ranges massively, from saving monkeys from the circus, saving animals that have been abandoned, saving animals from testing laboratories, to saving and rehoming racing greyhounds. Currently they are urgently needing funds to 'Rebuild HUHA'. The Otaki animal shelter is to be bulldozed soon, so they need funds to help build the new animal shelter on the Haywards Hill in Wellington. They also have specific animals that you can sponsor that are needing large medical work, and food etc.

The money we raise for HUHA will go towards medical bills for the animals and food and helping to build the new shelter. Without our contribution, the work they do is delayed and restricts the length of their helping hands! Even if all you can donate is a couple of dollars, it will honestly make a large difference to the animals around NZ.

Dominic Scahill's involvement (page creator)

I adopted my dog through HUHA so they became family through him. They do such amazing work throughout NZ and can only run because of support from the community. I am very passionate about animals and the environment, so this is a fitting cause.

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Latest donations

Big Mac
Big Mac on 14 Jul 2019
Well done bro!
Jahdal on 14 Jul 2019
Good effort big fella
The varsity bois
The varsity bois on 12 Jul 2019
Go on Skip, do the club and footballers around the world proud tonight.
Kathy and the girls
Kathy and the girls on 12 Jul 2019
Toma on 12 Jul 2019
Lets get it 💪

Who's involved?

Dominic Scahill's avatar
Created by Dominic Scahill
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 22 Jun 2019 and ended on 14 Jul 2019.