Help us support RDA to change lives.

$410 of $15,000 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in 8 weeks

RDA is giving me back what I left behind in Waikato Hospital 5 years ago. This is giving me the opportunity to give back to RDA.

Bay of Plenty

After surviving a brain aneurysm in 2014, I slowly accepted there were going to be some things I'd never be able to do. There have been some bonus's. I have been lucky enough to befriend Kathy Anderson, Pauline Taylor and Liz Gordon, Papamoa locals that have all survived stroke and brain injury. Kathy, Pauline and I are riding at Tauranga RDA. Our nearest and dearest are amazed at the changes in our co-ordination, and overall well-being. So much so that I am now able to volunteer at RDA, working with children with challenges, I am fortunate enough to bear witness to miraculous changes to precious wee lives. We are working as a team to complete the Mt Everest Challenge, with the support of friends and more team members, our team will achieve 38 summits in the 50 days. Your sponsorship has the power to dramatically improve "quality of life" for so many people living with disability. Ultimately every dollar raised will lessen the waiting list and enable those in need to access RDA's incredible therapy.

Helen Stewart's involvement (page creator)

As both a disabled rider and a volunteer I get to see and benefit from the tremendous therapy RDA provides.

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Latest update

Thanks To Barts Cartage of Welcome Bay  14 March 2019

Barts Cartage of Welcome Bay has a 5 tonne tipper truck and a tipping ute and a range of large to small earthmoving equipment. Bartie can supply all your earthmoving and landscaping needs. Bartie also supplies the best quality dry firewood delivered to your place. Call Bartie on 021 621 496

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More FM Mount Everest Challenge 2019

The Mount Everest Challenge is back! Join us and Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled.

Latest donations

Howard & Jenny Purchase Papamoa
Howard & Jenny Purchase Papamoa on 14 Mar 2019
Kathy Anderson is a dear friend and seeing the amazing improvements in Kathy's mobility and confidence brings us much joy.
Barts Cartage Welcome Bay
Barts Cartage Welcome Bay on 07 Mar 2019
Go Helen & Kathy!

Who's involved?

Helen Stewart's avatar
Created by Helen Stewart
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 5 Mar 2019 and ended on 30 Apr 2019.