Help women & children in need

$535 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in around 3 months

Fundraising for Women’s Refuge


Help those most vulnerable have a special Christmas too, whether it means a mother is able to wrap and give her children gifts, or she is able to enjoy a gift herself, your making a huge difference. Many of these women and children have left their homes with nothing and the smallest amount of support means the world to them.

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Latest donations

Wills on 26 Dec 2022
Hey Tess, Good effort on setting this up and raising the money! Hope you had a great Xmas and looking forward to catching up on Hatepe. Will
Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge

Thankyou ever so much for your donation and Support X

Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Dec 2022
Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge

Thankyou ever so much for your donation and Support X

Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge
Mandy on 20 Dec 2022
Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge

Thankyou ever so much for your donation and Support X

Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge
Sam on 18 Dec 2022
Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge

Thankyou ever so much for your donation and Support X

Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge
Alice on 17 Dec 2022
Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge

Thankyou ever so much for your donation and Support X

Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge

Who's involved?

Tessa Crawford's avatar
Created by Tessa Crawford
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Dec 2022 and ended on 15 Mar 2023.