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Henry Samson - Drop For Youth WBOP 2024

  • Jump for youth

      22 August 2024

    A massive thankyou to everyone who has donated to date, We’ve got $600 dollars to go till we reach our target I take the leap of faith from 12,000 feet above ground. Link to donate to such an amazing cause is in the bio ✈️☁️

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  • Almost there - Yey!!

      20 August 2024

    The jump is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15th. Yikes! I still need to raise a bit more for the Graham Dingle Foundation. We've already raised an impressive $900, and with your support, I'm hoping to achieve my target of $1,500 or beyond. Thank you all so much.

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  • You are Amazing!!

      4 August 2024

    Wow, $644 raised to date; $856 to go!!

    Thank you so much for contributing to such a worthy cause.


    The Graeme Dingle Foundation helps young people aged 5–24 and has been proven to have a direct impact on building resilience to help them overcome life’s obstacles and thrive.

    Participating students have access to inspirational leaders and mentors when taking part in programmes that provide the skills they need to prosper.

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