Hunter, Tracey and Willie climb for RDA

$755 donated
Given by 22 generous donors in around 3 months

Support the Reid family raising funds for Tauranga RDA. Hunter (12yrs) and his parents Tracey and Willie aim to climb Mt Maunganui 38 times.

Bay of Plenty

It is the last week of the challenge! So we walked up as a family with Samantha Hayes from Newshub on Sunday. The kids were very excited to spend time with “the lady on the news”, she was fantastic and genuinely interested in the therapy RDA provide.

Billie-Jean managed the climb very well, her determination to get up there was phenomenal.

We have been happy to participate in the challenge with all the funds going to Tauranga RDA - a place where we have spent many enjoyable hours watching Billie-Jean trot around the arena on various horses. These horses are magical, for kids of all ages who have all sorts of extra stuff going on, they are just incredible animals who make life a little better.

Billie-Jean started at RDA when she had just turned 3yrs old. She wasn’t walking yet because of her disability, and had undergone several hip procedures. Turns out horse-riding is the best form of physio for hips, which was the initial reason we signed her up. But we soon saw the vast benefits physically, socially, confidence-wise and an enormous sense of pride up there on the big horses.

We pay for Billie-Jean to ride two terms a year, the wait-list prevents her attending year round. It costs us much the same as any other sport or activity that any kid participates in. However these lovely horses cost a whole lot more to feed and take care of.

Thank you all for your generous support. The wonderful team at Tauranga RDA really appreciate it.

Tracey Reid's involvement (page creator)

My daughter has attended Tauranga RDA for the past eight years, and continues to enjoy this fantastic activity.

Latest update

Finished!  15 April 2019

We did it! So proud of Hunter, it has been such a big commitment for a 12 yr old to fit in around school, camp and other sports and activities. Really enjoyed raising funds for RDA and appreciate all that generosity from family and friends. But the best part has been out on beautiful Mauao, the walks always seemed a chore to fit in, but after each one it was all worth it!

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More FM Mount Everest Challenge 2019

The Mount Everest Challenge is back! Join us and Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled.

Latest donations

Davies Famiky
Davies Famiky on 13 Apr 2019
Awesome work Hunter and the rest of team Reid!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Apr 2019
Well done Reid family!!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Apr 2019
Kerrianne on 07 Apr 2019
Awesome work Team Reid!!
Moko on 07 Apr 2019
You’re awesome team Reid x

Who's involved?

Tracey Reid's avatar
Created by Tracey Reid
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This campaign started on 30 Jan 2019 and ended on 1 May 2019.