I am helping my swim club swim the length of the South Island

$457 donated
Given by 15 generous donors in 24 days

Participating in Help Aquagym Swim Club Swim the Length of the South Island


Aquagym Swim club are raising money for the club and trying to swim the length of the South island. I will be going to 5 swim sessions during the week of the 24th June and participating in our 2 hour swimathon. Please help me by sponsoring me, thanks 😄

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Participating in

Help Aquagym Swim Club Swim the Length of the South Island

Dive into the Ultimate Aquagym Aquathon Extravaganza and help Aquagym Swim Club Swim the length of SI from 24 - 30 June 2024!

Latest donations

Neil on 25 Jun 2024
Go Alex!!
Judith on 22 Jun 2024
Good luck
Alex hanson

All the way from overseas!! thank you Judith. xxxx

Alex hanson
Kirstin on 20 Jun 2024
Nice work Alex, an awesome challenge, enjoy it!
Alex hanson

Thanks Kirstin - way too generous. Just worked out how to add replies

Alex hanson
Heather on 20 Jun 2024
Good on you Alex. Lovely photo of you all.
Alex hanson

Woods thank you very much

Alex hanson
Caroline Luke (C.D)
Caroline Luke (C.D) on 20 Jun 2024
Have a great swim Alex - C.D
Alex hanson

CD thank you so much for your generosity

Alex hanson

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This campaign started on 13 Jun 2024 and ended on 7 Jul 2024.