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I I learnt to walk with my son, now I'm running a marathon

  • Back on track

      16 October 2024
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    Yesterday I thought I would not give up on the marathon distance but I'd test myself to see how I got on with a longer run. I decided I'd run/walk as far as I could. I think walking intervals may help with the stamina. I kept going for 18 miles,. I could have gone further mentally but I decided to stop after five hours running. I'm not trying to beat any records.. I reckon I'll be ok for 26 in two weeks time but I'll walk some of it

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  • Set back in the training

      10 October 2024
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    I ran the Derry half marathon at the beginning of September. As I was jogging to the start I fell. I found out the next day I broke a bone in my hand and cracked a rib. At the time I was only focused on running the half marathon with Liz, it was her first half marathon that we trained for together. I think the adrenaline got me round the 13 miles. It wasn't till we were driving home afterwards that I felt the pain and I fainted. An X ray the next day showed I had a fracture. I had to have a cast that went up to my elbow and a sling. I thought I could still run with this and I went for a run the next day. It seemed fine, but it made me ache. Also the risk of falling made me think that wouldn't be good with my departure for NZ looming, so I decided I'd have to stop running. I'd have a month before the marathon once the cast came off and I thought maybe that'd be long enough to get back on track. I went for some four hour brisk walks to keep my stamina up but no more running. The cast came off last Tuesday. I went for a six mile run the day the cast came off and was fine. Yesterday I thought I'd see how far I could go. I felt knackered after 6 and pushed on to 11 miles. That made me realise that I am not going to be ready for 26 miles in 3 weeks time. So I am going to scale back to the half marathon.

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