I’m helping my club swim the length of the SI

$570 of $300 goal
Given by 18 generous donors in 26 days

Participating in Help Aquagym Swim Club Swim the Length of the South Island


840km is the Length of the SI.

With support from my family (Opa, Mum, Dad, Uncle and friends) we aim to contribute 20km to the overall Club target swimming from Monday 24 - Sunday 30 June 2024.

Please donate to me to help raise funds for the Aquagym Swim Club

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Latest update

Swim Swim   13 June 2024

I increased my fundraising goal for the club because I know I can do more 🙂

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Participating in

Help Aquagym Swim Club Swim the Length of the South Island

Dive into the Ultimate Aquagym Aquathon Extravaganza and help Aquagym Swim Club Swim the length of SI from 24 - 30 June 2024!

Latest donations

Lynda on 30 Jun 2024
Alexandra on 28 Jun 2024
Go Van Dyk fam!
Parker on 27 Jun 2024
Go Jordan, keep up the good work from the Finnies on the GC
Claire on 26 Jun 2024
Keep up the great swimming Jordan. Swimming is such a wonderful sport!
Gemma on 20 Jun 2024
Awesome work 👏
Jordan Finnie

Thank you very much for your support

Jordan Finnie

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This campaign started on 11 Jun 2024 and ended on 7 Jul 2024.