I'm shaving my head

$465 donated
Given by 13 generous donors in 13 days

I'm fundraising for the asthma foundation by shaving my head


I will be shaving my head for my school's hair chop. The money I raise will go to the asthma foundation because my younger sister suffers from brittle asthma and I would like to help others like her.

Ruby Coles' involvement (page creator)

My younger sister is asthmatic and I want to help fundraise for this foundation. I will also shave my head at school to get teachers and students to donate.

Latest donations

Margaret on 17 Sep 2019
Hair today gone tomorrow!
Olivia on 17 Sep 2019
Ian on 12 Sep 2019
Go Ruby
Katrina and Tom McLean
Katrina and Tom McLean on 11 Sep 2019
Linda and John
Linda and John on 11 Sep 2019

Who's involved?

Ruby Coles's avatar
Created by Ruby Coles
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 5 Sep 2019 and ended on 19 Sep 2019.