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I'm Shaving My Head for Cancer

$750 of $750 goal
Given by 19 generous donors in 7 weeks

I'm shaving my 14inch hair for cancer, help me fundraise money for those who are fighting the hard fight.


Hello, my name is Delores Crowe and I'm 17 years old. I will be shaving my hair and donating it for cancer.

I will be shaving my hair on June the 27th!!!

I will also be fundraising money for CanTeen because my school supports Canteen and so I would like to do my part. Many of my family members have died of cancer and I would like to show my support for those who are fighting it now. For teenagers, growing up is hard enough without having to deal with cancer on top of that. I would like to show my support for them by donating money. Please help me make their lives just a bit easier. As much as you can is all that is necessary. Thank you!

Delores Crowe's involvement (page creator)

My school supports CanTeen and I would like to do my part by donating my hair and fundraising for teenagers who have to deal with cancer.

Latest donations

Claire on 26 Jun 2018
To get your donation to 750. Good luck for tomorrow xxxxx
Mustonen Whanau
Mustonen Whanau on 26 Jun 2018
Well done Lola
John Horan
John Horan on 20 Jun 2018
This is a very noble thing you’re doing cousin! You grandma Delores would be so very proud of you! I’m donating for two reasons. First it takes a lot of bravery and dedication for you to want to shave your head. Secondly since I’m a 15 year survivor of NHL, well I kinda have to 😊 Bald is beautiful and skin is in. From the mouth of an OG Skinhead I say Oi Oi Oi. Love you cuz!
Teresa on 19 Jun 2018
Way to go Lola
Joe s. s. Crowe
Joe s. s. Crowe on 18 Jun 2018

Who's involved?

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Created by Delores Crowe
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 May 2018 and ended on 26 Jun 2018.