I'm trekking to help transform lives - Vietnam 2019

$2,930 of $3,000 goal
Given by 21 generous donors in around 6 months

Help me to transform a life! Please support me and my Trek to raise money for the Graeme Dingle foundation - Vietnam 2019


I am privileged to be taking part in the Graeme Dingle Foundation's Trek to Transform Lives - Vietnam 2019. The money raised will go towards our very own Kiwi kids, by providing programs to help build life skills. These programs enable self-belief in our young children transforming their lives for the better. In today's world we want our young people to believe what is on the inside matters and is greater than any obstacle they may face.

Jennifer Moore's involvement (page creator)

I'm taking part in the Graeme Dingle Foundation's Trek to Transform Lives - Vietnam 2019 to raise money for our Kiwi children to teach them how to have a good self-esteem and develop life coping skills.

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Latest update

Offline Donation  18 March 2019

Mareta Steadman (CMDHB) donated $100

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Participating in

Trek to Transform Young Lives

Join us on this adventure through beautiful Vietnam & help young people in NZ keep on track, learn good values and set goals for the future.

Latest donations

The Binion-Coopers
The Binion-Coopers on 14 Mar 2019
Looking forward to your stories upon your return. Keep safe and take lots of photos :-) . Carolyn and Gary xo
Trudy Gillespie
Trudy Gillespie on 12 Mar 2019
Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those given more. Proud of you Jen xx
Talore on 09 Mar 2019
Proud of you, Mum
Baz and Nicky
Baz and Nicky on 08 Mar 2019
Amazing!!! Safe travels xx
Jo Henderson
Jo Henderson on 05 Mar 2019

Who's involved?

Jennifer Moore's avatar
Created by Jennifer Moore
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 29 Oct 2018 and ended on 30 Apr 2019.