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In loving memory of Heather Stronach (née Roblin)

on 6 May 2021

Jess asks

Kia ora Martyn

The donations received in memory of Heather through Give a Little are gratefully received. Please let me know your email address so I can forward you a few updates regarding the impact for nature in New Zealand. Thanks Martyn.

Jo Prestwood

Relationships Manager


Hi Jo,

Somewhere on your books you will have an email for one Mr Fatty Stronach. He's the large, brown guy pictured with Heather in 3 of the pictures. He already gets regular emails from Kevin Hague.

Please feel free to email him whenever you'd like. He's the conservation spokesbird behind this fundraising effort.



Martyn Stronach
on 3 Feb 2021

Jess asks

Kia ora Martyn

I work as a fundraiser for Forest & Bird in New Zealand. I have just been made aware of your fundraising page on givealittle, and how you have supported 3 conservation charities in memory of Heather, including Forest & Bird. Thankyou.

Please accept our condolences Martyn, our thoughts are with you and your family and friends at this very sad time. Please let me know if you'd like to receive updates about the impact these gifts will have on wildlife and wild places in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ngā mihinui

Jo Prestwood.


Thanks Jo.

Martyn Stronach

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