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$1,530 of $45,000 goal
Given by 12 generous donors in around 9 months

Be part of the journey as we raise money to help more families in need.


Kia ora,

My name is Dinnie Moeahu and I’m an ambassador for the charitable organisation Little Fighters Trust.

One of my strongest values is the ability to give back to our community through charity work. Over the past 6 years I’ve helped raise awareness for charities and families in need, now ready to embark on my biggest fundraiser yet to raise $80,000 for the Little Fighters Trust. So far we have raised $40,000 and continue to bring about further awareness for the this amazing cause.

Little Fighters Trust was founded here in Taranaki after the loss of a beautiful young little fighter Jackson, who battle leukemia from birth, losing his battle at 21 months and 8 days old. Jackson had a carefree, energetic personality, and was a true little fighter. He had beautiful dark blue eyes, which we acknowledge and remember in our recognised branding colour within the Little Fighters Star.

I love supporting the Little Fighters Trust and they hold similar values to mine - that whānau(family) is everything and we need to do all we can to nurture that. Whānau doesn't always mean blood relations - whānau is where the heart is.

I have pledged to support their huge dream in wanting to sponsor a care room at the Ronald McDonald House at Starship Hospital in memory and in recognition of ALL Little Fighters across the nation. To help raise $80,000 I've decided to go BIG and enter in the 2019 NZ Ironman March 2nd in Taupo.

This gruelling event will test me both physically and mentally, requiring me to complete a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and a 42km run all within 17 hours. However ominous and terrifying the Ironman will be, it pales in comparison to the many families with a terminal illness face everyday.

As a father of 2 myself, I can't imagine what that experience would be like for affected families, but I will find strength in their courage to see this challenge through to the end.

Ngā mihi nunui

Kindest regards,

Dinnie Moeahu

Dinnie Moeahu's involvement (page creator)

I am a Little Fighters Trust Ambassador and I’m helping them raising money to sponsor a room at the Ronald McDonald House in Auckland.

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Molly Auvaa-OBrien
Molly Auvaa-OBrien on 22 Jan 2019
Good luck Dinnie. Your positivity and determination will get you there... Keep it up
PS Interiors Ltd
PS Interiors Ltd on 21 Oct 2018
Dinnie you are awesome and we are proud to support you in this cause. Lesley & Pieter
Rore whanau, with love
Rore whanau, with love on 19 Sep 2018
Have loved following your journey Dinnie. Inspiring, motivating and PROUD! Keep going X
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Sep 2018
NZ Realtors Network Rural Conference & Mrs B MW
NZ Realtors Network Rural Conference & Mrs B MW on 02 Aug 2018

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This campaign started on 16 May 2018 and ended on 25 Feb 2019.