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Jace the racing sardine

  • Invitation to attend the CENTRAL ITM Big Swim Event Wrap & Presentation

      8 April 2024
    Posted by: SPLASH
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    The Carterton Indoor Pool Project invite you to an evening of connection and celebration.

    Please join us at 6pm, on Monday 29 April at the White Swan Country Hotel GREYTOWN to celebrate the community’s achievements and connect with the people who are involved with using the Carterton Indoor Pool.

    The CENTRAL ITM Big Swim 10^6 involved over 340 participants, who covered 2,552,083m (including two solo swims across of Lake Taupō), resulting in $52,766.10 dollars donated.

    Please RSVP to before 25th April.

    Ngā mihi mahana,

    The Carterton Indoor Pool Project Team.

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  • THANK YOU to all CENTRAL ITM Big Swim participants, supporters & donors!

      31 March 2024
    Posted by: SPLASH
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    Thank you to everyone who has swum, aqua walked, dressed up, baked, supported and donated this month. Today is the last day of the CENTRAL ITM Big Swim 10^6. It's been an amazing fundraiser and sooo much fun! It has brought together a community - both near & far. We are still adding up the metres and will be announcing the overall total soon. If you haven't sent your metres in - please email them to To those supporters who have been on the sidelines cheering, timing and encouraging our participants - A BIG THANK YOU, and an even BIGGER THANK YOU to those of you who have donated to save the Carterton Indoor Pool. You have made a community very happy and shown that this pool needs to stay open so that everyone from all over Wairarapa can use it. We may not have reached our audacious goal of One Million dollars, but with your amazing generosity you have given us the seed money to apply for grants to upgrade the pool. THANK YOU. 💕🏊‍♀️🏊🏽‍♂️🏊🙏

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    • 02/04/2024 by Brendon Corlett

      A pleasure to have taken part in this fundraiser even though it was only small part and a BIG thank you to the team who organized this event..👏👏

  • We did it

      31 March 2024
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    It's done -- 90km of pool swimming in 31 days. And well done to everyone who swam the pool challenge.

    Thanks to all of you, but especially Odette who supported me for 31 days and shot the video below of the last 100m.

    I will miss the interactions and reflections on this fund-raising page and the camaraderie of other swimmers at the pool. It has also been a welcome distraction from the horrors of news about Gaza. I will miss the physical and mental simplicity of just swimming as my focus goes back on the complex challenge of project managing the pool rebuild.

    But I will not miss the constant chlorine itches all over my body and irritation of my nose and eyes. I will not miss the strains and muscle soreness. I will not miss the foot and calf cramps at the end of longer swims, the monotony of counting laps and the absurd logic of pursuing an arbitrary numerical goal.

    I hope these updates have helped you learn about the Carterton indoor pool and that you have thought about your own challenges. May your own challenges be a gift of learning and acceptance.

    Peace, out.

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  • Day 30

      30 March 2024

    I had a day off yesterday, sleeping a lot and generally not doing much. Today I swam 6km, the biggest daily distance for this swim challenge and possibly the most I have ever swum in a day. I was relieved to find it was not that difficult. The hardest bit was the odd patch during the first 3km when my breathing was not working properly or I had a few small foot cramps. The last 3km was surprisingly easy. The total distance is 85.4km now so it looks like I will be finishing at 90km tomorrow. One day to go. Looking forward to the day after on Monday, which I can enjoy as a rest day without the sense of unfinished business at the back of my mind.

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  • Day 28. Are we there yet?

      28 March 2024
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    Today was the final squad training session with Russ for this 31-day challenge. It was a fairly plain format building up to 10x200 reps which I managed to swim at an average of 3 mins 20secs. A slight niggle has re-appeared in my right shoulder which is nowhere near what I expected after 79.4km. At this rate I am on track to wrap up the challenge with a total distance of 90km.

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  • Well done Scarlett: 100km completed

      26 March 2024
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    This morning I had the privilege of being in the same squad session where Scarlett completed her 100km swim for the month of March. She still has 6 days to go. The session was moderate in intensity, only 4x25 butterfly, so I am grateful to Russ for not having a blow-out.

    The photo of the full carpark taken about 10am shows the strong turnout of ladies for the aqua aerobics group. Go girls.

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  • To infinity and beyond

      25 March 2024
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    I feel like quoting a nebulous saying from Buzz Lightyear because I am in that no-man's land of neither being near the start, nor the end of this endeavour. At least I had some company this morning as a group of regular morning swimmers were there. Thanks Cynthia for the encouragement. I broke the swim into 800m chinks but didn't quite finish the last one before the clock said it was time to bolt for the train (which was 15 minutes late as usual).

    The chart included in this update is for anyone interested in my daily swim rate and what total swim I am likely to complete in 6 days' time: 90km. I have had four rest days, a maximum daily swim of 5km and an average of about 2.8km.

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    • 26/03/2024 by Robin Irwin

      You’ve done so well. Well done. Bet you are stronger and faster than at start of the month. Keep up the good work

  • The last rest day before the final push

      24 March 2024

    I had planned to swim but forgot the learn-to-swim was using the pool this morning. So we attended the Gaza peace vigil in the town centre instead.

    At my current daily swim rate I am likely to complete heading for +90km by the end of the month this Sunday.

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    • 25/03/2024 by Bron Markham

      That’s a long way.

  • 3.5km done

      23 March 2024

    I was back at the Carterton indoor pool this afternoon. I couldn't face a continuous distance swim today so I went instead for a couple of timed 1.5km plus an easy 500 to finish. Over the first 1.5km I felt stiff initially and came right over the second half for a time of 27 mins and 10 sec. I had a generous recovery before the second 1.5km. It felt more comfortable from the start, although I didn't regain the feeling of ease and smoothness I had felt in the last days. And some of the turns were mistimed. Nonetheless the result of 26 mins and 25 secs was a significant improvement.

    Total distance now 67.7km with 8 days to go but that includes at least one more rest day, probably on Monday.

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  • 5.5km swum today

      22 March 2024

    The swimming is getting easier, somehow. I maybe experiencing the training effect where regularly fatigued (but not over-stressed) muscles build-up endurance over time. I am told it can take longer to occur with increasing age, which maybe why it has come as a surprise.

    This morning I swam 2.5km in the Carterton indoor pool. I kept it light and simple, throwing in some drills to relieve the boredom. I was delighted to find that the 1km segment was not tedious at all. I think that is the training effect as I could feel my body gliding further, my upper body rotating more naturally and my forearms getting more purchase on the power phase of the stroke. The combined effect was a sense of increasing speed as the distance built-up. The evening session was the usual Masters training. I wasn't that thrilled to be set a time-trial (no-one was actually) but it was fine to rest during the butterfly set. I finished the day with 1km ease-down.

    I spent a hour this morning on a tour of the Masterton Aquatic Centre heating, ventilation and water treatment systems. Ordish and Stevens showed me all the bits and pieces- if you've ever been curious what's behind the door that says "plant room" then that's the tour to take. I took some photos but nothing worth showing here.

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  • Back to squad routine

      21 March 2024
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    Russ welcomed me back to squad training this morning with two sets of 8x25m butterfly. I find now it's better to just do it and not think about it. The session was cut short at 7am when I headed to the train.

    I have swum 58.3km in 21 days, which is an average of 2.8km per day. At that rate I will swim 86km for March. I had hoped to get close to 100km but that's looking unlikely now. We'll see.

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  • Day 20 Whanganui

      21 March 2024
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    After a night at the Patea Beach motor camp we set off on the last section of our WOMAD road trip. I had just enough time to swim 3km at the aquatic centre. It was pleasing to see so many pool users making the most of the facility compared to the virtually empty Stratford pool. I shared a lane with a woman who usually swims the Whanganui awa. Swimming distance day-after-day is definitely getting easier and I think it's helping a lot to include drills as often as possible to remind my body of good technique.

    After unpacking at home it was off to the Carterton pool for a four-hour site meeting with Bryan Greig and Kerry Fraser to work through our conceptual design issues. Michael, Mike and Andy made it along for the lengthy discussions. The swim lanes were full of first learner swimmers then squad swimmers which gave us the perfect motivation for our problem-solving discussions. I would have loved to pull off another 1km or 2km swim for the day but by the time we finished at 8pm I needed to eat and sleep.

    Photo of the Mike, Michael, Greig and I (absent: Andy).

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  • Day 19

      21 March 2024
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    Today Tuesday 19 March we said farewell to New Plymouth for another year and started the trek home. But first I swam what is now a fairly easy 3km at the 50m outdoor pool. I think my body is adjusting to the frequent long swims. My only 'niggle' is some lower back stiffness.

    About midday we pulled into Stratford to the super-shiny new Wai-o-Rua aquatic facility that hardly anyone was using. Today I finally got up the courage to swim some butterfly (that's for you Noel) but only 4x25m.

    Photo of the New Plymouth 50m pool on a sunny morning.

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  • Reflecting on WOMAD 2024 through swimming goggles

      18 March 2024
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    WOMAD is done for another year. I will remember this one for unexpected wrsterly showers, our spacious canvas bell tent, guerilla pro-Gaza protesters and swimming the 50m outdoor pool.

    I think Israel is committing genocide in Gaza but I was not courageous enough to protest. As flags and banners were banned, one festival-goer instead wore a home-made frock resembling a draped, full size Palestinian flag. That made my smile.

    After a swimming rest day yesterday I was back in the pool today with renewed energy. I swam 2km in the morning then 3km in the afternoon including some drills. The drills seemed easier in the longer pool. Last swim in that pool tomorrow morning before we head to Patea for the night.

    Photo of pesky ducks, pukekos and gulls at our cabin this afternoon.

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  • Jace the resting sardine

      17 March 2024
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    My body was tired today so I took it body surfing instead of swimming. The photo was taken at East End surf club after our dip. The occasional shower and cool westerly made for a short splash.

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    • 17/03/2024 by Bron Markham

      Yeah not too summery

  • Snow on Taranaki maunga

      16 March 2024
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    A cold wet front dampened the mood at WOMAD last night. That and the fatigue of the drive north and dealing with the pool rebuild project had me in bed early for a big night sleep. So glad we had the big tent, comfy mattresses and winter sleeping bags. Preamble over.

    Day 2 of our annual WOMAD aquatic holiday. While Odette went to East End beach for some body surfing I jumped back into the 50m outdoor pool for 4km freestyle. The final km was an odd experience of distorted perceptions. It only seems to happen on a long swim when I pass previous endurance limit.

    I am loving the 50m pool. I can work aerobicly the whole time and not have to surge into and out of the wall. Tomorrow's goal is 5km. A new frontier.

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  • Two weeks down, two and half to go

      14 March 2024
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    4.3km this morning with Scott, Alex, Owen and Abigail. My arms were fatigued from the 2.5km yesterday so I wasn't able to finish what would normally have been possible. We had a boost this week with the surveying firm Adamson Shaw confirming they will donate the cost of a laser survey on Tuesday which will give us all the data we need for designing the new building. Off to New Plymouth today for WOMAD this weekend. Can't wait to swim some long slow distance in the New Plymouth 50m outdoor pool.

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  • Doing the 'ton'

      13 March 2024
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    There was nothing sophisticated about my swim today. Jump in, swim a ton, jump out. By 'ton' I mean 100, in this case lengths. Some people use a fancy fitness tracker to count their laps. It uses gps and inertia sensors to tell when you are turning at the end of each length. I admit that would be cool. Even better the models that measure heart rate so I could tell when I am going outside my recommended limits. I can imagine feeling it would feel like it was my devoted personal-trainer-slave that measures and recalls instantly and precisely. That would make me feel like I was the boss. Even my dad uses one and he's heroically gorse-pocketed. All power to you dad but, I like the practice of knowing where I am without relying on a machine. And it's one more short-lived consumer item that I can prevent from coming into existence, thereby displacing the existence of so many other beautiful organisms we share this planet with.

    I wasn't thinking that while I swam a ton though. For the first 50 lengths I was wondering how hard it was going to get because I hadn't swum long distance for a while. For the next 40 lengths I was thinking how comfortable it felt. And for the last 10 lengths I was mindful of how foreign it felt to swim into an endurance zone I wasn't expecting to be in. And I could still have that experience while counting laps.

    I didn't make time today to take a photo so here is the shot I took at the end of yesterday's training session.

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  • The early swimmer catches the wave

      12 March 2024
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    Another awesome training session from Russ Geange this morning with four of us at roll call. The second set of the warm-up was a bit of a shock to swim 100m combinations of 1-arm drill then 3/5/7 strokes-per-breath so early in the workout.

    But it served a valuable purpose of being aware of torso rotation, arm extension and breathing capacity for the repetitive sets that followed. Russ has so many tricks up his sleave I am constantly amazed at the variety of training patterns he can come up with.

    Only Scott finished the full 4.3km and I was happy with 3.5km after a harder-than planned workout the day before. Our first wave of swimmers was promptly moved on by the second wave of casual lane swimmers who turned up after 7am with determined looks on their faces to do their laps for March. Such commitment is inspiring.

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  • Schwim

      11 March 2024
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    A cracking start to the week with 2.8km of splashing and blowing bubbles before getting on the commuter train. All the pool lanes were full this morning from about 6.15am with determined schwimmers getting there lengths done before the sun dawned. I must have been feeling some pent-up energy today as I spontaneously threw in 4x25 butterfly just to prove to myself my arms and legs could still do it despite the long monotony of freestyle. I paid for it with drowsiness at work after lunch but that's hardly a hardship.

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  • The Big Swim was swum

      10 March 2024
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    The afternoon weather was perfect for the Big Swim fundraiser today. A good crowd turned out and the kids loved the inflatable slide. Ron Mark our mayor was there and as well as a camera crew from TVNZ to catch the action of lane swimmers knocking out lap after lap.

    Check out the photo of Vicky and Kath in mermaid costumes after raising gathering heaps of spot prizes and raffle prizes from generous Carterton businesses. (The other lady with them is Lindsay from the Greytown pool.)

    It was such a busy day I didn't have time to swim a decent distance so I am amping to get back into it this week.

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  • Another rest day

      10 March 2024

    There wasn't time for a swim yesterday. I spent the afternoon extractor the honey harvest at my beekeeping mentor's honey shed. Also, I this weekend I was home alone taking care of two very demanding cats so something had to give. I managed to swim 1.4km this morning before the lanes were closed for learn-to-swim classes.

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  • Another big night out at the Masters in Masterton

      8 March 2024

    I felt refreshed from not having swum for 36 hours. My plan was to add a bit of extra distance to the Masters workout, which I did. The session was mainly freestyle with a bit of individual medley and work with fins. It was a bigger turnout than usual and Richard used the occasion to recognise the many Masters who had completed the Taupo Ironman and those who had been doing open water swimming.

    I started getting calf and arch cramps after 3km but managed to work through it by slowing my pace.

    I can feel the training effect now of swimming higher volumes where I am less fatigued and more able to maintain technique for longer. But along with that is the increasing tedium of repetition and being alone underwater with my thoughts. Hmmm.

    no photo today sorry. I forgot to get a shot of the Masters session on the whiteboard. Catherine was there so she can vouch for my swim (and she swam 5km today to complete her own personal challenge).

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  • And we're off....

      7 March 2024
    Posted by: SPLASH
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    We've kicked off the CENTRAL ITM Big Swim weekend with the Wairarapa School's Day. Massive THANK YOU to South End Primary Principal Clare Crawford for organising today's continuous swim, and the kids and teachers for taking part. Almost 200 swimmers covered almost 120,000m. Our CENTRAL ITM Big Swim event total to date is $21,107.

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  • What a difference a rest day makes

      7 March 2024
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    I did not swim yesterday. The fatigue was building up and although I was planning to swim 6 days straight it just felt necessary to stop at 5. I found out at the pool this morning that it's common for elite swimmers and triathletes to swim 25km per week so having done 15km in 5 days no wonder I was feeling it.

    The pool was very busy this morning with the usual morning crew under pressure to push out their laps before the first school group at 9am for the Big Swim. There was definitely a community buzz in that shed this morning.

    Total distance 17.9km on track for 80km by the end of March.

    Over and out.

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  • 100m swim workout

      5 March 2024
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    Just two of us in the pool for squad training this morning. A couple of regulars were recovering from their ironman races last weekend. Almost all the reps were 100m, which was very welcome in my fatigued state. A calf cramp towards the end almost cut the workout short. The 200m swimdown was the most challenging part. It took me about 2 hours to complete but that included a chat with Russ about the pool upgrade project.

    Total distance 14.5km over 5 days.

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  • The rainbow at the end of the pool

      4 March 2024
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    Carterton pool seems busier this month. I took the last available lane for a 6am swim today. The Big Swim had inspired a flurry of swimming. My role model Cynthia was on her usual lane doing the 3km+ session on Russ's whiteboard. Cynthia has inspired me to develop my technique thanks Cynthia.

    My plan was simple today. Swim increasing multiple of 100m until my form slipped, which turned out to be 400m. That was also all I had time for before the commuter train. Tacking 25m backstroke to the end of each rep felt like a good way to unwind my arms. Today's distance 2.45km. As I was rushing from the shower to the train station the showers lift to reveal a rainbow sprouting from the pool.

    Photo: the pool at the end of the Carterton rainbow

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    • 05/03/2024 by Robin Irwin

      I see the pot of gold we are swimming for Jason. Good pic

  • Groundhog day already

      3 March 2024
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    I swam alone today at the club pool. The warmup was reliably enjoyable. The idea was to swim until I could feel my form slipping, then repeat that distance. When that happened at only 300m a wave of groundhogness washed over me. But to my relief my form improved as the set progressed. I have noticed this before - it takes me about 1000m for my whole body to flex with the water. I rested about 90 seconds between sets which is longer than I'd get in a squad session but maybe what I need as an older endurance athlete.

    Photo is the cross shape marking on the wall at the end of the lane- symbolic of my swimming devotion on the tradirional day of worship in the culture. And a welcome break from my crude selfies on an old phone.

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  • Trying to hold form

      2 March 2024
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    I used to swim for distance. Mainly freestyle as many laps as I could. Oblivious to technique. Time efficient and simple but plodding and injury prone. That's changed since I informally joined the coaching programme under Russ Geange. The structure, focus and practice all serves one objective: to swim well. It maybe just my life stage but I am loving the philosophy that each stroke is practice, an attempt at fluid perfection. I wanted to swim more free but was not holding form so I cut it early. Not sure what I was thinking to then do 2x100m medley but it felt like the perfect peak for that set as I could hold form just long enough on each stroke.

    Total distance 5.1km over two days.

    The "Olden Shears" photo just happened that way. (Otherwise known as Golden Shears)

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  • Day 1 Swim 2 woohoo

      1 March 2024
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    Harder session than I wanted on day 1. Masters session this evening at the Masterton pool run by Richard. Felt the combo of fly and pull-buoy-paddles in my shoulders. Might need a rest day tomorrow. To infinity...and the bottom of the pool. (Buzz Lightyear)

    Will come up with better photos than selfies with a whiteboard.

    Photo: proof of swim (Richard cant add up)

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  • Measuring up

      1 March 2024
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    John helped me this morning to measure the pool layout for preliminary design. The fully manual, old-school dumpy level fogged up a bit but we got there eventually. Thanks John

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  • And we're off and swimming

      1 March 2024
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    Quite a crowd of keen swimmers at Carterton pool early this morning, but I was able to share a lane. Did an easy 1km to get the distance underway but save my energy for masters weekly training session this evening. 200m riffle, 2x300 free, 200 back. Photo: total funds raised on the pool noticeboard

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  • Update shmupdate

      27 February 2024
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    Regular squad session with coach Russ at 6am curtailed by rush to catch the train to work. Couldn't finish all sets but pleased to fit in 4x25 butterfly. Thats where I got to in the photo. D-3 today. Feeling some nerves ahead of D-day this Friday. Knee trouble over the weekend but back to 'normal' now. Thanks for watching.

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    • 27/02/2024 by Robin Irwin

      Keep going. You’ll be great on d-day. Hope knee stays strong for you

  • 1 week to go

      24 February 2024

    Day 1 of the challenge is this coming Friday. Training is going well. 3-4 swims and 5-8 km per week recently. I will be going for distance but I will keep the technical workouts in the programme, so yeah there'll be some butterfly, kick, stroke drills and fins. Although swimming is relatively low impact I may find my old knee and shoulder injuries flare up so I will build up the training volume as the month goes by. I will try to share the swimming with friends if they are keen. And swim in different pools when I can. It's going to be great. Thanks for supporting me.

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