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Jaylin Otara Space Cadet to NASA

  • We are almost over the line!!! Wohoooo

      26 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    Firstly we want to say thank you to every single friend, whanau, donor, organisation and beyond who have supported these incredible cadets by giving to their give-a-little. We have had some sponsors directly donate and it it's not reflected in the give a little but we are actually nearing the end and are almost there! We have heard that the Otara-Papatoetoe local board is approving some of the cadets a small grant to assist toward airfares and once we know who they have approved we will then know if we have finally reached the goal and who they have funded out of the cadets. Keep posted!

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  • Thank you Mercury Energy!

      26 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    🌟 A Heartfelt Thank You to Mercury Energy for Empowering Our Youth! 🚀

    Dear Mercury,

    We want to express our deepest gratitude for your support in making our journey to NASA a reality alongside all the other amazing organisations friends and families who have jumped on board. Your generous support has ignited a spark within our youth, and we are forever grateful for the energy you have infused into our dreams.

    Just like the power that fuels our homes and lights up our lives, your support is part of the driving force behind our journey to NASA. You have shown us that with determination, dedication, and the right kind of energy, anything is possible.

    It is because of those in our village, like you, that our youth can envision a brighter future.

    With boundless gratitude.... The South Auckland NASA Cadets 💚

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  • Thank you Foundation North "Pasifika Way Makers Fund"

      26 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    🌍 Thank you so much Foundation North "Pasifika Way Makers Fund" youth panel 🌏

    Foundation North and the Ministry for Pacific Peoples teamed up to provide funds to a panel of 13 Pasifika youth aged 18-26 from the Pacific nations of Niue, Samoa, Tonga, Tokelau, and Tuvalu. The Pacific Youth Future Makers allocated funding to projects that aim to benefit Pacific young people, their families, and communities in South Auckland. This participatory grant making initiative aims to empower young Pasifika leaders and provide them with the resources and support to make a positive impact on their communities.

    The OYH " Nasa Cadets" were one of those successful recipients. Thank you so much to the pacific young people on the decision making panel for supporting these incredible young south auckland youth to NASA. We are completely thankful for your support and believing in them.

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  • COLLAB with Auckland council and the Electoral Commission

      24 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    We had an awesome opportunity to support Maifm, the electoral commission and Auckland council get the voting word out into our community this morning at the Otara flea markets. At the same time we will be able to promote our cadets heading off to NASA and support 2 cadets (Ihapera and Lorenzo) who are performing as part of the program alongside other youth from the hub.

    An awesome opportunity to share about this kaupapa to the community, promote the cadets and encourage the community to vote.

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  • CADETS State of Origin and Food fundraiser

      24 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    Proper post with wrap up vid and pics coming soon but we just wanted to say a quick THANK YOU!!!! Last night went amazing! The kai was delicious and all areas run by our amazing cadets with the support of the OYH staff and the other youth collectives from the OYH who got on to help support the cadets. Thank you everyone for helping out where you can and the energy and positive vibes last night not only were awesome for the fundraising but also for the community, providing a safe community space for Otara to come enjoy the game on a huge screen while eating some delicious home cooked food.

    Thank you all and once the staff calculate how much was raised etc we will post that out. Well done team!

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  • SPARK Media Training xxx

      24 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    Some awesome news this morning. As you know SPARK is Agnes sponsor. They have been so supportive of both her and the wider cadets. They wanted to provide Agnes with the tools to feel confident with any media opportunities that may pop-up, they've been exploring some media training options which they thought will be beneficial which Spark Foundation will cover the costs of.

    This morning Agnes had her first session and met with Mauwai (an indigenous media training provider) who work with rangatahi to help them craft their story in a way that honours their culture.

    We hope it went well Agnes and give us some tips 🙂

    In follow up to that! Spark have been watching all of the OYH social media platforms and have seen how hard cadets have been working especially with their own give a little fundraisers but they loved what they saw last night seeing the cadets doing the fundraiser and watching it unfold during the live so much so that they called the team this morning to say they would love to help the cadets even more so they have donated another top up to the over-all kaupapa! An amazing boost that the cadets needed! Thank you so much Spark!

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  • Thank you Te Punk Kokiri

      24 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    💜 Nga mihi nui Te Puni Kōkiri 💜

    We would like to say a huge nga mihi nui to Te Puni Kokiri who have come on board to support all our Maori cadets who are heading to NASA. TPK have just provided the much needed boost top up to the $1000 per Maori cadet that Te Runanga o Ngapuhi provided early at the start of the cadets NASA campaign.

    The knowledge and skills these fine young Maori kahukura acquire at NASA will serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for other young Maori. This opportunity will enable them to showcase their talent and represent their respective whanau, hapu and iwi by participating in a diverse environment.

    They will foster cultural exchange and strengthen the cultural identity of their iwi while promoting Maori values and traditions. The exposure will allow them to form connections with like-minded individuals from around the world. This will foster collaborations and partnerships that can benefit not only their whanau, hapu, iwi but also the wider community.

    They will have access to cutting-edge technologies, facilities, and mentorship from leading experts in the field of space science and exploration.

    A huge win for enabling young Maori success in the field of expertise where both Maori and Pacific are severely under represented! Acknowledgement video coming this weekend to acknowledge all the amazing partners who have come on board so far to support this kaupapa because it takes village.

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  • 531PI Radio Interview & Live Stream This morning!

      2 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    Some of the cadets headed in with one of our OYH Chauffeaur Kaimahi Nadeen Papalii to share about the NASA trip. Check it out here!

    URL -

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  • Thank you Hodson Whanau!!!

      1 June 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    A huge nga mihi nui to The Hodson Whanau who made contact yesterday to support one of our NASA Cadets. They have connected to Kobe Ru and we are so wrapped to have their tautoko to providing these life changing opportunities!

    This trip is a pivitol moment for the cadets, their whanau, their peers and their wider community. Where innovation, inspiration and imagination rule the day and all partaking in this trip are encouraged to think beyond the possible. It's not enough for young people to just read and learn about things. That's great but the real opportunity is to get out of those classroom environments and feel the magic of those things in real tangible ways. These types of opportunities have the potential to completely change the trajectory of our young people's aspirations and benefit more than just the individual as well.

    Thank you to The Hodson Whanau and everyone else who are backing these young people to have these life changing opportunities.

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  • Otara to the World Video

      29 May 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    🚀 Inspiring Our Otara Community: Supporting Our Youth's Journey to NASA Advance Space Camp! 🌟

    🌠 Dear Otara Community, we have an extraordinary reason to come together and rally behind the incredible achievements of our youth! 🎉

    👩‍🚀👨‍🚀 A group of talented young minds from our beloved community has been handpicked to represent us at the prestigious NASA Advance Space Camp! 🌌 This is a remarkable opportunity for them to explore the frontiers of space and unlock their full potential. 🌠

    ✨ Our future lies in the hands of these young dreamers, and it is our responsibility as a community to support and uplift them on this awe-inspiring journey. ✨

    💫 Imagine the impact we can create by nurturing their curiosity, providing them with the resources they need, and showering them with our unwavering support! Together, we can empower these aspiring astronauts to reach for the stars and turn their dreams into reality. 💪

    🌍 Let us unite as a community, standing side by side, with open hearts and outstretched hands, to help them soar beyond the confines of Earth's atmosphere. Together, we can redefine the boundaries of what's possible and prove that dreams know no limits! 🌠

    🌟 Our youth's journey to NASA Advance Space Camp is a testament to the resilience and talent that thrives within our community. Let us ignite the spark of inspiration, showing the world that greatness knows no boundaries when passion, determination, and unwavering support combine! 🔥

    🌌 Share this video and spread the word far and wide. Let us rally behind our youth, encouraging them to dream big, aim high, and make their mark on the stars! 🚀

    🌠 Together, we will nurture the next generation of explorers, innovators, and leaders. Together, we will show the world the extraordinary power of our Otara community! 💪

    #InspiringOtara #SupportingOurYouth #NASAAdvanceSpaceCamp #DreamsKnowNoLimits

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  • Introducing our 16 amazing Otara to NASA Cadets

      29 May 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    Their merch finally arrived! Check out their updated pic.

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  • Thank you Te Runanga o Ngapuhi

      29 May 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    A huge nga mihi nui to have Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi support their Ngapuhi rangatahi who have been selected as part of the 12 cadets heading to NASA in August. Supporting these incredible rangatahi will enable the following:

    🚀 Empowering the Next Generation: By supporting these talented youth, Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngapuhi are investing in the future leaders of their iwi. The knowledge and skills they acquire at the camp will empower them to make significant contributions to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) upon their return to Aotearoa New Zealand.

    🚀 Inspiring the Ngapuhi Community: The participation of Ngapuhi youth in such a prestigious international program will serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for other young individuals within their iwi. To our knowledge they will be the first rangatahi from Ngapuhi to attend. It will encourage them to pursue their dreams and believe in their own potential to achieve greatness, regardless of their background or circumstances.

    🚀 Strengthening Cultural Identity: This opportunity will enable Ngapuhi youth to showcase their talent and represent the Ngapuhi iwi on an international stage. By participating in a diverse environment at the NASA Advanced Space Camp, they will foster cultural exchange and strengthen the cultural identity of our iwi while promoting Ngapuhi values and traditions. They are also kura kaupapa Maori rangatahi who speak fluent Te Reo Maori.

    🚀 Encouraging Collaboration and Partnerships: The exposure these awesome Ngapuhi youth will gain at the NASA Advanced Space Camp will allow them to form connections with like-minded individuals from around the world. This will foster collaborations and partnerships that can benefit not only Ngapuhi iwi but also the wider New Zealand scientific and space exploration community.

    🚀 Building Technical Expertise: Attending the NASA Advanced Space Camp will provide Ngapuhi youth with access to cutting-edge technologies, facilities, and mentorship from leading experts in the field of space science and exploration. The knowledge they acquire will contribute to the development of technical expertise within their iwi, opening up new avenues for innovation and advancement.

    Tumeke we reckon!

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      23 May 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    A huge nga mihi to the Ministry of Pacific Peoples who has come on board to sponsor a cadet and has been paired with Danielle from Tangaroa College. We hope to secure further support sponsors for our other amazing cadets selected to attend this incredible opportunity.

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      23 May 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    A huge nga mihi to the Spark Foundation who has come on board to sponsor a cadet and has selected Agnes Taefu from Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate. We hope to secure further support sponsors for our other amazing cadets selected to attend this incredible opportunity.

    Awesome news!

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  • Advance space academy prep

      17 May 2023
    Posted by: The Community Builders NZ Trust
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    Our cadets have been busy getting individual funding applications done and setting up their cadet portals that NASA have organised for them. Everything leading to space camp will be done in their portals. There's a lot of health and safety checks to be done as they will be participating in all training excersizes done by astronauts who prep for space.

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