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Jess's Tour Aotearoa 2020 adventure

$3,300 donated
Given by 48 generous donors in around 6 months

The purpose of this page is to raise money for the Cycling Action Network, while sharing my Tour Aotearoa 2020 adventure.


After what has been a personally challenging few years, I've decided that it's time to do something epic. So I'm riding the length of New Zealand as part of the Tour Aotearoa Brevet in February/March 2020.

More information about the Tour Aotearoa can be found here: http://www.touraotearoa.nz/

I'm doing the ride for me, of course, but I thought it would also be a fantastic opportunity to raise some money for a really important charity at the same time.

So, I've decided to turn my training and tour into a fundraiser for the Cycling Action Network (CAN).

CAN is an amazing organisation that dedicates its resources to advocating for more and safer cycling in New Zealand. Cycling has so many benefits - social, economic, health, and environmental. CAN helps see those benefits realised through advocacy and education.

If you are with me in supporting CAN's goals (see below), then please consider making a donation.

"CAN's goals are to:

Promote the benefits of cycling

Improve safety for cyclists

Encourage the creation of a good cycling environment

Advocate for integrated cycle planning

Increase the number of cyclists on our roads."


Jess Mazengarb's involvement (page creator)

I am passionate about the potential benefits of cycling for our communities. CAN does really important work to turn that potential into reality, and I'd like to help them in that mission if I can.

Latest update

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Goal status: achieved  13 March 2020

Cape Reinga to Bluff in 19 days, 5 hours, and 26 minutes.

Apologies for the lack of updates along the way. Lack of time, phone signal, and battery power are my excuses. I’ll write a proper story when I’m back in front of a computer...

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Latest donations

Ruth on 18 Mar 2020
Wicked, Jess!
Dean on 15 Mar 2020
Well done Jess!
Brent on 13 Mar 2020
congrats, and thanks for supporting CAN with your tour ride!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Mar 2020
Awesome ride Jess, epic
Linda on 10 Mar 2020

Who's involved?

Jess Mazengarb's avatar
Created by Jess Mazengarb
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Oct 2019 and ended on 31 Mar 2020.