Remembering Revd John Alan Mynett

$1,205 donated
Given by 19 generous donors in 11 weeks

The family of the Reverend John Mynett requests donation in lieu of flowers.


The Reverend John Mynett passed away peacefully on Monday 11th May after a very brief illness.

John, a retired Anglican priest, was an incredible man with a caring heart who always put others first. He was generous with his time, his knowledge and his faith.

In lieu of flowers, his wife Anne and his family ask that anyone wishing to mark his passing make a donation in his memory. The family have chosen two organisations that cared for John during his final days; the Neurological Ward at Auckland Hospital and West Auckland Hospice. All funds raised will be split between the two organisations, with funds being used to provide extra support for patients and families.

Latest donations

Dot Phillips
Dot Phillips on 29 Jun 2015
A gentle, wise and humble christian, who could inspire and empathise. We are so much richer for having known him.
Gill and John
Gill and John on 06 Jun 2015
A privilege to have known such a wonderful man.
Margaret and Michael Swindells
Margaret and Michael Swindells on 03 Jun 2015
In memory of John.
Daphne , Alan, Simon & Helen
Daphne , Alan, Simon & Helen on 26 May 2015
Glenys Hibbert
Glenys Hibbert on 26 May 2015
In loving memory of a very dear friend. R.I.P., John.

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This campaign started on 14 May 2015 and ended on 31 Jul 2015.