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Joyya is Awesome

$2,060 of $1,000 goal
Given by 15 generous donors in around 5 months

Participating in Joyride


JOYYA is holistic, whole community, inside out - bottom up, alongside and mutually transformative awesomeness that connects neighbourhoods across the world who both really need it.

I am so proud and happy to jump on my bike a bit more and draw attention and donations. This particular campaign goes seeing fun & play be experienced in children in some of the most challenging circumstances you can imagine.

I’ve seen and experienced this happening overseas first hand multiple times. I want to invite you to share some of my enthusiasm for this by giving a little.

I like the environmental aspect to ‘Joyride’, because it highlights the effect of climate change on some of the most vulnerable global communities. So I’ve chosen to try and go carefree and CARLESS for October. I will be out of town for a week, so this wont apply to that week, and they days I use a car I will hope on my bike and ride up to the top of the kiwi.

Lastly, last year I mostly ended up sponsoring myself :) So this year I am saying for every $2 people sponsor me I will donate a dollar of my own, up to $500.

So if I hit $1000 dollars donated that will be $1500!

A third extra as well as a third back for your charitable donation receipt. What a bargain!! :) Great maths eh! :) If your keen, let’s give it a nudge and hit $1000 and let the money go round and round!

Bless you’se for reading this far and considering it. Here we go :) Duane

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Member of

South West Baptist Church

Joyride with us and share the joy!

Participating in


In Kolkata a lot of kids have pretty tough lives and don't get to enjoy just being kids. Joyride is your opportunity to bring a little joy!

Latest donations

Diederik on 02 Nov 2023
A great man doing great work for great causes, thank you Duane for being you and doing what you do!!
Duane on 31 Oct 2023
We did it! Thanks to my generous sponsors! Thanks team! It really means a lot, yes to me, but especially these beautiful children who will experience joy with Joyya. Stoked. Thanks again :)
The Luatuas
The Luatuas on 31 Oct 2023
Making it to $1000! Our kids saw you biking the other day and yelled out, “There’s Duane!” as we drove past and kept hoping we would stop at lights so you could catch up!
Gillies Family
Gillies Family on 31 Oct 2023
Donna on 31 Oct 2023

Who's involved?

Duane Major's avatar
Created by Duane Major
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 19 Sep 2023 and ended on 29 Feb 2024.