Katie's run

$1,041 of $500 goal
Given by 27 generous donors in around 6 months

I'm running the Queenstown Half Marathon as my way of supporting the Hills. I am hoping that through being sponsored for doing this run, I


Jeff, Katie & their family have such a long road ahead of them. Although this fundraising won't 'fix' everything, this truly amazing couple deserves every bit of support they can get at this time.

I'm running the Queenstown Half Marathon as my way of supporting the Hills. I am hoping that through being sponsored for doing this run, I might be able to make a difference...every little bit counts!

Participating in

Running for the Hills

Running for the Hills

Latest donations

Private Donor
Private Donor on 24 Nov 2014
Katie..thanks you so much for being a champion..we need more people like you in this world ;)
Clinton, Cindy and the girls
Clinton, Cindy and the girls on 22 Nov 2014
Good luck Katie & well done!!
Sandra grubb
Sandra grubb on 22 Nov 2014
Great cause katie well done
lucy tweed
lucy tweed on 22 Nov 2014
go Katie!!!!!!!
Angie Carter
Angie Carter on 22 Nov 2014
All the best for today, Katie!

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This campaign started on 22 May 2014 and ended on 1 Dec 2014.