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Get Matt and Thalia to Asia

$5,330 of $31,000 goal
Given by 52 generous donors in over a year

Free, full lives for children affected by conflict and oppression: that's what Matt and Thalia are heading to Asia to work towards.


Please help get us to Asia to work with Partners Relief & Development.

Partners is an international charity that works with the people of Myanmar/Burma, where decades of war and oppression have caused enormous damage.

Every day Partners works with communities affected by conflict, to meet children's basic needs, prevent them being trafficked or exploited, and care for them in crisis situations.

Matt is a doctor who will be working as a Clinical Advisor, overseeing existing projects and planning new ones to bring free, full lives to children affected by conflict and oppression.

Thalia is a writer and blogger who will be at home with their two children, and working part-time with Partners, telling the stories of the people of Myanmar to the world.

Check out the video on this page to see an example of some of the medical work Partners does right now, and head to for much more.

Thalia Kehoe Rowden's involvement (page creator)

Matt and Thalia are relocating their family to Chiang Mai, Thailand, so they can work with Partners Relief & Development, to make a difference to poor and oppressed people in and from Myanmar/Burma.

If you, like us, have sometimes looked from afar at the situation in Myanmar and wished you could do something about it, you can join our team and help get us to Asia to work on your behalf.

Matt and Thalia have skills that Partners can use to make life better for the people of Myanmar. Please help us get there.

Partners is a charity and doesn’t pay its foreign staff in Thailand. Instead, people like us raise financial (and moral!) support for our work there from people like you who believe the work’s important.

This Givealittle fundraiser is to help with the practical, one-off costs of moving and setting up a household in Asia, including buying a car that can handle the roads there.

The funds will all be administered by Partners, a registered charity, with full transparency and accountability. Donations are tax-deductible.

We are also looking for long-term team members to provide ongoing financial support. If you'd like to be involved in that way, please email Thalia: thalia.kehoerowden [at] . Thanks so much!

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Aug 2016
Kitty Durville
Kitty Durville on 08 Dec 2015
Happy Birthday Thalia. Big hug.
Lindy Jacomb
Lindy Jacomb on 04 Nov 2015
Go well Thalia, will be thinking and praying for you guys :)
Michael & Amanda
Michael & Amanda on 01 Nov 2015
Good luck! :D
Thalia Kehoe Rowden

Thank you so much, you two! xx

Thalia Kehoe Rowden
Cate on 18 Oct 2015
Congratulations on getting your flights all sorted! Amazing work you guys :)

Who's involved?

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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Apr 2015 and ended on 25 Dec 2016.