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      2 May 2022
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    JazakAllahu Khairan for your support. You helped us raise $50,000 in 27 days. We could not have done this without you!

    We truly appreciate your support in helping us stand strong and steadfast as Muslim Women in New Zealand, and we look forward to a positive journey forward.

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  • Unlocking Opportunities! Winter Escape 2021

      26 April 2022

    Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand organized a winter escape in 2021 to Mt Ruapehu. The participants learned new skills as well enjoyed new activities and experiences such as snowboarding, ski and explored walking trails.

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  • Unlocking Opportunities! Employment Workshops.

      26 April 2022
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    Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand hosted a series of workshops across three main cities in New Zealand. These workshops were designed for Muslimahs' looking to enter job market or to boost their current career path. The workshop offered three main sessions:

    1. Nailing the look - Professional styles for interviewing as a Muslim Woman

    2. Networking and setting yourself apart.

    3. CV and Cover letter review.

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  • IWCNZ--1 Year Challenge--what we've been up to in last 12 months.

      26 April 2022
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    Watch Aliya Danzeisen take you through the challenges and accomplishments of IWCNZ in the last 1 year. A very sincere and heartfelt video on everything that we have achieved in a year and we hope to achieve with your help. Please help us Stand Strong and Steadfast as Muslim Woman in New Zealand. We thank you for joining us on our journey forward.

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  • IWCNZ goal for a more diversified workforce.

      19 April 2022
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    The Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand’s goal of a more diversified workforce that is inclusive of Muslim women in a range of fields. As a result, this past week we have been sharing the stories of Muslim women exceling in their chosen careers and inspiring our community. Today we release a video ad including some of these women to increase further awareness. Steps we take today are steps towards our long-term goal. Thank you for joining us on our journey forward!

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      13 April 2022
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    Asalam Alaikum Everyone!

    Foundation North has given us the amazing opportunity to double our donations up to $10,000 for our Ramadan Campaign! Our goal is to match the $10,000 in the next 10 days dollar for dollar! We NEED your help to do so. We have done it before and we know that it can be done again with such amazing supporters and generous donors that we have!

    Make sure you spread the word to everyone you know so that we're able to hit our target in 10 days!

    Help us on our journey to Stand Strong and Steadfast as Muslim Women in New Zealand! Support us at our give a little page.

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  • Why we do what we do?

      12 April 2022

    Watch Aliya Danzeisen the National Coordinator or IWCNZ explain about why we do what we do and how we do it. Listen to her share our vision for our community.

    Stand Strong and Steadfast as Muslim Woman in New Zealand. Help us on our journey forward.

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  • Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand - Give a Little Video - Arabic

      12 April 2022

    يقف مجلس النساء المسلمات في نيوزيلندا جنبًا إلى جنب مع مسلمات بلدنا ، ويدعمهن للتغلب بشكل فعال على تحديات الحياة الشخصية والمهنية ، ليشعرن بالراحة في هويتهن كنساء مسلمات قويات وثابتات.

    ادعم المجلس النسائي الإسلامي في نيوزيلندا لتقديم برامج مجتمعية للمسلمات لدينا.

    للوقوف بقوة وثبات كامرأة مسلمة في نيوزيلندا - ساعدنا في رحلتنا إلى الأمام.

    The Islamic Women’s Council of New Zealand (IWCNZ) stand alongside the Muslimah of our country, supporting them to effectively navigate life’s personal and professional challenges, to feel comfortable in their identity as strong and steadfast Muslim women.

    Support the Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand to provide community programmes for our Muslimahs.

    Standing Strong and Steadfast as Muslim Woman in New Zealand - Help us on our journey forward.

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  • IWCNZ Beneficiary Video

      6 April 2022

    Today IWCNZ Spoke to four (4) sisters who attended our 2022 Summer Escape earlier this year. Alhamdulilah - All the sisters who attended got a chance to tick off something from their bucket list. IWCNZ know that investing in our community and the women in it has a huge positive impact on Muslimahas, their families and the wider Muslim communities in Aorteroa.

    Here is what they had to say about how they benefited from IWCNZ:

    “In January 2022 I attended one of my first camps with IWCNZ. One of the many breathtaking activities we did was the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, along with 20 other awesome women from across New Zealand. Accomplishing the hike was one thing; but the memories and the new life long friends we made at the camp may of just been the best part it all!” Saarah Yahiha

    “I went on the Summer Camp and it was amazing alhamdulillah. Especially as a new Muslim, it was such a wonderful experience meeting a diverse range of Muslim women. Bonding with the women was my favourite part, whether conquering the height of Tongariro Crossing, the rapids of Wanganui river, or over a hearty dinner after an adventurous day. If it were not for it being funded by IWCNZ, I probably wouldn’t have been able to meet so many beautiful people and am so grateful for the opportunity” Bianca Kerr

    “IWCNZ has helped me connect with other young Muslimah through a range of activities within the Waikato community. Along with this, they helped me push myself and achieve more. During the summer I had the chance to do the Tongariro Crossing which was extremely different for me but I challenged myself to do the 20km hike and I felt accomplished and confident after finishing. IWCNZ has helped me push my own boundaries and step out of my comfort zone to unlock new potential” Aasiyah Atheer

    “I was very excited to hear that IWCNZ was organizing the summer escape for women and girls. As I like to go hiking in NZ, I was so interested in doing the Tongariro crossing especially with a group of Muslim women and girls.As I was the only women from the south island who have attended this camp, I had a great opportunity to meet with new people and opportunity to discover and explore new places too. I like how IWCNZ organised this escape and gave the opportunity to Muslim women of all ages to choose activities and experiences that fit their age and abilities such as the crossing, horse riding, canoeing, gondola or hot pools.I am looking forward to hear more from IWCNZ and be able to participate in more other activities and escapes”. - Badia Sabil

    Our community has grown so has IWCNZ, and while we have the skills, talents, and desire to do more, we simply lack the resources. Our goal is to obtain sustainable funding so we can continue our work -- Standing strong and steadfast as Muslim Women in New Zealand - We ask that you join us in our journey forward.

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  • Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand Founding Story

      5 April 2022

    In 1990, 90 Muslim women from around the nation came together and formed Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand. Watch Nazreen Hannif, The founding member tell the founding story.

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  • Kia Kaha Muslimah!

      4 April 2022

    The Islamic Women’s Council of New Zealand (IWCNZ) stand alongside the Muslimah of our country, supporting them to effectively navigate life’s personal and professional challenges, to feel comfortable in their identity as strong and steadfast Muslim women.

    Support the Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand to provide community programmes for our Muslimahs.

    Standing Strong and Steadfast as Muslim Woman in New Zealand - Help us on our journey forward.

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