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Clare is Kickboxing for Kiwis!

$1,275 of $1,000 goal
Given by 10 generous donors in 4 weeks

On Saturday 9th March I am taking part in a sparathon to raise money for the people of Christchurch after the devastating earthquake in Feb


The New Zealand Red Cross - they are doing such an amazing job over in NZ. I have family over there and friends, luckily nobody I know has been hurt or injured, but they have lost a home and a business and the recovery will take a long time

On Saturday 9th March I am taking part in a sparathon to raise money for the people of Christchurch after the devastating earthquake in February! I am going to try and keep going for three hours, so please sponsor my efforts!

Latest update


<p>CHECK OUT &nbsp;OUR FEATURE IN THE SHUTTLE!</p> <p>WILL HOPEFULLY GET PEOPLE SPONSORING!</p> <p>OUT THURSDAY!</p> <p>http://www.kidderminstershuttle.co.uk/news/8952657.Kickboxing_for_Kiwis_in_Kidderminster/</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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Participating in

Kickbox For Kiwis! The Lighthouse 3-hr Charity Sparathon

Kickbox For Kiwis! The Lighthouse 3-hr Charity Sparathon

Latest donations

Private Donor
Private Donor on 25 Jun 2011
This amount is from the hard work of our kickboxing teams and their sponsorship money! Lighthouse, THANK YOU - for putting yourrself forward for the event, for raising much needed cash for kiwis and sparring 100 rounds without stopping in less than 180 minutes! You are all wonderful and the money is going to such a good cause! Earthquakes are still hitting Christchurch daily, which will slow down the rebuild efforts and your money will really count in allowing the Red Cross to continue to provide relief to those who need it and get Christchurch back on its feet again!
Chris on 29 Apr 2011
hi Clare this is a little later than planned but love the cause for which you are gunning!! Chris x
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Apr 2011
Bright Green Shoots Ltd
Bright Green Shoots Ltd on 09 Apr 2011
Have fun! Good Luck with the event.
Anonymous on 09 Apr 2011
Kick away!

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Mar 2011 and ended on 3 Apr 2011.