Configure Express Kilbirnie, Relay for Life

$1,535 of $5,000 goal
Given by 33 generous donors in 7 weeks

Finding a cure is the answer. Finding out why cancer spreads is the answer. Research is the answer- above awareness, but we need your help.


Help us get behind a community organisation that gives so much, to so many local families. Bring your friends, members and non members, help us make a stand, join us for a lap or donate online, together, we can make a difference in the community- before it's too late.

Configure Express Kilbirnie's involvement (page creator)

As part of the gym ownership, I see reasons why people come to the gym. I see the hard work and health changes, but I see the tears and the reality behind those tears. Cancer has affected so many people, members included, counting one last week who was diagnosed. We all need to make a stand, help fund and find a cure, waiting until someone you know is effected is too late, we need to fund research and we need to do together, now.

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Participating in

Relay For Life Wellington 2016

Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back at Relay For Life Wellington. Contact for more info.

Latest donations

Anne-Marie Hartley
Anne-Marie Hartley on 11 Apr 2016
Good luck
wim on 10 Apr 2016
Jay on 08 Apr 2016
I normally think running is dumb but this is definitely an exception. Glad to give to the cause.
Maria Cunningham
Maria Cunningham on 08 Apr 2016
All the best for the relay and fundraising
Hope on 08 Apr 2016
Best of luck Liz!
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 19 Feb 2016 and ended on 11 Apr 2016.