Tough guy and gal Mud Run for a Mum!

$1,149 donated
Given by 14 generous donors in 4 weeks

Was wanting to do a sober month and then wanted to go that little bit further to help someone in need.


I was wanting to do a sober month to help someone in need and thought I might aswell do something I haven't done before, so I'm also going to do a obstacle/mud run! I have set up a fundraising page to raise funds for someone whos story hit me when reading it, her name is Penny, she is a mother of 2 and was affected by meningococcal septicemia.

This is very serious and the strong fighter pulled thru wih a 2% chance of survival but lost her legs from the knee down and part of her hand, being a mother of 2 which in my opinion is hard enough on its own for this woman its obviously very tough!

ACC wont cover her but I've seen them happily cover other people who clearly take the p#ss outta the system! This makes me rather annoyed!

Now I mentioned this Penny was a fighter and she has had to learn to walk again and done so in amazing time! Only problem is that the extremely basic legs she has been provided with dont fit nor does the ankle move as you can imagine how hard that would be! She needs proper legs!

So were going to help her move towards getting a procedure of getting implants attached to her bone so the new prosthetic legs can attach properly to the implant.

Please do something to help!!!

Weither it's donating, re-posting or shraing this for awareness or even coming and joing me on the run!!!!

Lance Newth's involvement (page creator)

I'm going to do the 12k Aucklamd tough guy and gal mud run on the 5th July

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Latest donations

CJ on 05 Jul 2015
Penny Gifkins

Thanks CJ really appreciate it kerry and penny gifkins

Penny Gifkins
Milky on 04 Jul 2015
Amazing work Tez, you have such a big heart
Penny Gifkins

Thankyou for the donation we really appreciate it, we are so greatfull to everyone who has been involved with the TOUGH GUY AND GAL MUD RUN FOR A MUM site .please except this as a personal message we mean it from the bottom of our hearts kerry and penny gifkins

Penny Gifkins
Lusia on 04 Jul 2015
Good luck!! You'll hown it xx
Penny Gifkins

Thankyou Lusia really appreciate your donation kerry and penny gifkins

Penny Gifkins
Topdeck on 03 Jul 2015
Lots of love to you Penny, from Topdeck XOXOXO
Penny Gifkins

Thanks Topdeck we are very greatfull for the donation, thanks for the kind wishes kerry and penny gifkins

Penny Gifkins
Kirsten on 03 Jul 2015
Lots of Love Penny, from Topdeck
Penny Gifkins

Thankyou so much Kirsten for the generous donation means alot kerry and penny gifkins

Penny Gifkins

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This campaign started on 6 Jun 2015 and ended on 6 Jul 2015.