Laser-Kiwi Strava-Art Birthday Fundraiser

$1,620 of $1,000 goal
Given by 34 generous donors in 4 weeks

With all the awfulness of the Covid 19 pandemic, there's never been a more important time to help those most vulnerable in in our community


The Aunties is a small but hugely effective organization that supports women and families in poverty and affected by domestic violence. I saw Jackie ('The Auntie in Charge') speak earlier this year at The Guilty Feminist Podcast, and found her story and attitude greatly compelling. I'm really excited to use my birthday ride as an opportunity to support her work.

I reached out to Jackie to better understand how The Aunties are negotiating the Covid lockdown. She told me stories of women needing urgent basic supplies as lodging and food becomes even more complicated. The main need at the moment is groceries, linens, and undies.

Carl Wells' involvement (page creator)

Please support my annual birthday strava-art charity. The Aunties make a massive difference for those in our community suffering from poverty and domestic abuse. Now more than ever we can make a difference!

Latest donations

Naomi on 14 Apr 2020
Graeme on 13 Apr 2020
Well done Carl.shame we couldn't join you this year. Graeme and Claire
Alex on 12 Apr 2020
Pippa Coom
Pippa Coom on 11 Apr 2020
Thank you for using the brilliant LaserKiwi vanquishing coronavirus bike ride to fundraise for such a good cause
Mikey on 11 Apr 2020

Who's involved?

Carl Wells's avatar
Created by Carl Wells
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 7 Apr 2020 and ended on 7 May 2020.