Latte's give a little page

$13,000 donated
Given by 454 generous donors in 21 days

In memory of Latte, help other cats who to have a better life by supporting the SPCA.


In memory of Latte, who recently passed a lot of you have asked if you can contribute to a good cause on his behalf, in this case the SPCA Wellington who do wonderful work, looking after animals who don't have a loving family and community like Latte did.

Latte was a special cat with a wonderful charming meow and always sought attention. He was more of a homebody then his brother Mittens but touched the lives of many. Latte was very relatable for a lot of us who are comfortable at home.

Silvio Bruinsma's involvement (page creator)

Latte's guardian and cat dad.

Latest donations

Christelle on 03 May 2021
Rest In Peace wonderful
Susan on 02 May 2021
I was so sorry to hear of Latte's passing. Thank you for sharing Latte and Mittens with us...they are loved around the world.
Joy on 30 Apr 2021
In memory of beautiful Latte, and with thanks to the Wellington SPCA for their care of my own special cats
Galina on 29 Apr 2021
Kristina on 29 Apr 2021
While I nevet met Latte or Mittens, I have heard about them. What a special way to do good helping the Wellington SPCA, as Latte's legacy.

Who's involved?

Silvio Bruinsma's avatar
Created by Silvio Bruinsma
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 12 Apr 2021 and ended on 3 May 2021.