Limit Zero's 12th annual 24-hour challenge for Starship Hospital

$22,000 of $20,000 goal
Given by 93 generous donors in 8 weeks

Help us raise funds for Starship Hospital, who create miracles for young people in need, every week.

Avonhead, Christchurch

Limit Zero has been running this 24-hour challenge every year since 2011. Throughout this event and many others that Limit Zero have been involved with we have helped raise over $150,000 for several different charities since then.

However this is the first time we are doing it for Starship Hospital. It is also the first time that I (Blair Williamson) have a personal reason to be doing this.

Delivering the best care to children and infants that are struggling is what they do every week, and it is nothing short of a miracle, which can change the outcome of many families lives. Mine included.

So if there's something you can give please know you are making young people better off.

We have a target of fundraising $20,000 and we have plenty of different ways that you can help us get there...

1. Come on in and do part of our circuit based workout with us anytime from 5pm on Friday 4th November through to 5pm on Saturday 5th November 2022.

2. Pick a personal challenge focused around endurance - test yourself how long you can exercise for, or complete a certain distance on a machine / exercise (to a maximum of 24-hours) and get sponsored to do so.

3. Pick an endurance challenge like above, but as a team of 2,3,4 or more.

4. Come on in and support the cause and the people going through their own challenges.

5. Be part of the volunteer crew to help run and support the day.

6. Do your own challenge from afar on the same day / weekend and get sponsored to raise funds.

Latest donations

Bob on 12 Nov 2022
Limit Zero
Limit Zero on 12 Nov 2022
Steph & Erin
Steph & Erin on 12 Nov 2022
Paul on 11 Nov 2022
Katy and Josh
Katy and Josh on 11 Nov 2022

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 17 Sep 2022 and ended on 12 Nov 2022.