Limit Zero's 24-hour challenge 2024 for Gumboot Friday

$50 of $10,000 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in 24 days

24-hour challenge fundraiser for Gumboot Friday - Friday 1st November 2024

Avonhead, Christchurch

From 5pm on Friday 1st November 2024 we are holding our 14th annual 24-hour challenge for charity. This year raising funds for Gumboot Friday - helping provide services for people with mental health issues throughout New Zealand.

Gumboot Friday was set up to replicate the idea of being stuck in mud all day being similar to how it feels to have depression. We are opening our gym to everybody and anybody to come and support the cause. We will be running a 15-minute circuit that goes 96 times round non-stop and if you wanted to challenge yourself you could even do 1, 2 or more rounds while wearing gumboots.

We are also promoting people to come and challenge themselves physically, doing individual challenges to support this rising issue.

Any donation / sponsorship you can make would be huge!

How to get involved:

1. Donate $20 to come in and do part of the workout with us anytime from 5pm on Friday 1st November - 5pm on Saturday 2nd November. Do as much or as little of the workout as you want.

2. Pick a personal challenge focused around endurance and get sponsored to do so.

3. Come in and support the idea and the people going through their own challenges.

4. Be part of the volunteer crew to help run the day.

5. Do your own challenge from afar on the same weekend and get sponsored to raise funds.

We all go through tough times, but some much more so than others, however we believe by putting ourselves through personal challenges like this we can build stronger as individuals and a community.

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Limit Zero on 10 Sep 2024
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This campaign started on 10 Sep 2024 and ends on 10 Nov 2024.