Limit Zero's 24-hour circuit for the Cancer Society 2018

$3,305 donated
Given by 43 generous donors in 24 days

Help us raise funds for the Cancer Society and do good for your own body at the same time as we run an exercise circuit non-stop for 24hours


On Friday the 2nd November 2018 Limit Zero is holding their 8th annual 24-hour charity circuit for the Cancer Society.

From 5pm on the Friday we're going to run a 15-minute circuit back to back 96 times in order to fill the 24-hours and as usual we're aiming to have at least one person doing it and one person instructing the whole way.

We'd love nothing more than for you to join us not only getting fitter and healthier, but meeting new like minded people and helping out a great cause as well! Just show up anytime between 5pm Friday 2nd November to 5pm Saturday 3rd November 2018 - we'll always be going!

Limit Zero - 297 Avonhead Road, Christchurch.

It's a minimum $10 entry for as many circuits as you want over the 24-hours, all of which goes to the Cancer Society! Bigger donations are more than welcome.

Throughout the years so far we have managed to raise over $20,000 in total, averaging around 160 participants every year! Help us build on these numbers to make an even bigger impact to the Cancer Society and the health and well-being of many.

Over the last few years we have had 7 different people have a go and complete the 24-hours of exercising non-stop. This year is no different as we have one young couple of Greg Shea & Chloe Williamson taking on the 24-hour challenge. A mental, physical challenge that needs support throughout and I know the more we can raise the more motivation these two will get, alongside everyone else who challenges themselves to take part.

On top of the 15-station circuit this year, we will also have a rowing machine going non-stop for the 24-hours, having people planned every 15-minute segments to take over and keep it going. We call this the 16th station and we are going to push to get the biggest distance ever.

We'd love to have you there, or would love a donation, or both would be the ideal. It's always a lot of fun, a great atmosphere, all for a fantastic cause!

Come on down on Friday 2nd / Saturday 3rd November 2018!

Blair Williamson's involvement (page creator)

I'm event manager and organiser, as well as founder of the 24-hour circuit and Limit Zero. I'll make sure everyone is safe, having fun, getting fit and that 100% of funds raised go straight to the Cancer Society.

Latest donations

Yvonne & Doug
Yvonne & Doug on 11 Nov 2018
As always a great effort from team LZ.
Roz Siversen
Roz Siversen on 10 Nov 2018
Lauren Brent
Lauren Brent on 07 Nov 2018
Robin and Dave
Robin and Dave on 06 Nov 2018
Well done everyone. Let's go Greg and chlo.
Geoff on 06 Nov 2018
Great effort for a great cause
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 19 Oct 2018 and ended on 12 Nov 2018.