Limit Zero's 10th annual 24-hour circuit for the Cancer Society 2020

$10,265 donated
Given by 126 generous donors in 9 weeks

Help us raise funds for the Cancer Society and do good for your own health at the same time as we run this workout non-stop for 24-hours.


On Friday the 30th October 2020 Limit Zero is holding their 10th annual 24-hour charity circuit for the Cancer Society.

From 5pm on the Friday we're going to run a 15-minute circuit back to back 96 times in order to fill the 24-hours, finishing it off at 5pm on Saturday 31st October 2020.

This year we have had 6 volunteers (names below) who have signed up to have a go at completing the full 24-hour workout non-stop themselves. On top of this we encourage anyone to come give it a go or challenge yourself to see how long you can go for non-stop too.

The circuit offers the chance for anyone to join in and/or challenge themselves. It's beginner friendly and encourages people to go slightly outside their comfort zone to help keep themselves healthy while supporting a great cause.

Sammy Burnett

Brayden Johnson

David Shipton

Jamie Livingstone

Hamish McKenzie

Rhys Smith

It's a minimum of $10 entry for as many rounds of the beginners structured circuit as you like over the 24-hour period. You can also use this platform to sponsor the 'marathon circuiteer's' or just donate to a good cause. Bigger donations are more than welcome of course with everything raised going straight to the Cancer Society.

We'd love nothing more than for you to join us at some point throughout the 24-hours (it is open to the public) by either participating, supporting the Cancer Society, joining us for breakfast between 7:00am and 9:00am on the Saturda, sponsoring someone or just watching the endurance workout take place. Just show up anytime between 5pm Friday 30th October and 5pm 31st October 2020 - we'll always be going!

Limit Zero - 297 Avonhead Road, Christchurch.

Blair Williamson's involvement (page creator)

I'm the event manager and organiser, as well as the the founder of the 24-hour circuit and Limit Zero. I'll make sure everyone is safe, having fun, getting fit and that 100% of funds raised go straight to the Cancer Society.

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Latest donations

Lesley on 06 Nov 2020
Endeavour Solutions
Endeavour Solutions on 06 Nov 2020
Another amazing effort from the Limit Zero team for a great cause. Congrats to all involved.
Peter & Gill
Peter & Gill on 05 Nov 2020
Hannah on 04 Nov 2020
Good job!
Gary on 03 Nov 2020
Inspirational and a fantastic result! Very sorry I missed it this year.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 Sep 2020 and ended on 8 Nov 2020.