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Linda and Pepe riding for children to have fun.

  • Walking in the park.

      10 October 2023
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    We just need $10 more dollars to get to $400. Who will sponsor me please.

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  • Please sponsor me!

      5 October 2023

    I'm hoping for more sponsors so they can help women and children have a more fun life in India. Please sponsor me!

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  • Out in the bitter wind. Please sponsor me.

      30 September 2023
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    Was really cold on the scooter today. Took Pepe for her hair cut luckily I had her jacket so she could be warm coming home.

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  • Taking Pepe for a run in the rain 🌧️☔

      24 September 2023
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    Not much of a day but out we went for our run in the park. It was raining but we went for the children in India.

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  • Help me help the children..

      24 September 2023

    A lot of kids in Kolkata live pretty tough lives. I love what Joyya is doing to create spaces where kids can just be kids. Where they no longer need to be the income earner or the domestic help, and they can just play, have fun, and experience joy. Funds raised through Joyride will go towards buying equipment, running events, sending kids to school and opening up university opportunities, supporting youth groups, kids clubs, and having a whole lot of fun. We think that’s pretty great.

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