Lockdown Bombs Season 4

$4,386 donated
Given by 71 generous donors in 4 weeks

Bombing for a cause.


We're back for Season 4! Lockdown sucks but we can do a little thing to help ease the pain.

Perhaps you can do one thing by donating some money to people who need it? Not everyone has a safe place to stay isolated, so let's help out.

Why am I bombing? You know the deal: working from home, locked down with my own family. Like all of you, coping with the extra stresses of this time, and trying to be creative and kind about how we manage. We're privileged to have a safe house with a lovely pool. On the first day of our four-week COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand I decided to pop a manu in our pool to mark the occasion, and for some weird reason have been doing the same for each day of every lockdown.

The pool heater is turned off and the temperature will drop the longer we're in lockdown 🥶

Follow the progress on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hashtag/lockdownbombs

I'm not collecting any money directly - donations go straight to Givealittle's page for The Aunties.

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Latest update

The heat is on!  22 August 2021

Ok so I lied, the pool heater is back on because OMG it was cold. Plus the family want to use the pool too. I'll make up for it with extra artistry!

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Aug 2021
Gemma on 28 Aug 2021
For Karl and Roxy!
Robyn on 27 Aug 2021
zʎqqǝZ#Zebbyz on 27 Aug 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Aug 2021

Who's involved?

Ben Gracewood's avatar
Created by Ben Gracewood
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 18 Aug 2021 and ended on 18 Sep 2021.