Lynne's Ride

$7,801 of $7,500 goal
Given by 87 generous donors in around 3 months

Lynne's Ride - Dave Scott's 3,000 km bike packing adventure in memory of his Mum and in support of The Lung Foundation NZ

Albany, Auckland

Cancer, six letters that cause so much anguish for millions of people. Like many others, cancer has impacted my life; it took away my Mum, Lynne, back in 2017. Inoperable lung cancer, not smoking-related, in case you are wondering. The irony was Mum had not long retired after working all her life for the NHS at Nottingham City Hospital. Now she was back as a patient for regular chemotherapy and oncology appointments. Life can be unfair and even cruel at times, but Mum kept up hope and battled on for over 2 and a half years. This was after an initial diagnosis of a year. I was there with her at the end, and I will admit that it was very tough to watch your own mother wither away in front of you. I don't think I ever really grieved, I couldn't stay for the funeral and was on a plane back to NZ and back to the busyness of life. This has bugged me now for some time bringing me to Lynne's Ride. Starting on Tuesday, 4 October 2022, I will ride the Tour Aotearoa - bike packing my way over 3,000 km from Cape Reinga to Bluff - you can see the route here -

I am riding in memory of my Mum, Lynne Christine Dexter, and while I am at it will try and raise some funds for Lung Foundation NZ -

That is it, really - you can follow my progress and if you feel inclined, you can donate to my cause - it's up to you.

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Lynnesride completed!  25 October 2022

Proud to say I just completed lynnesride my quest to cycle from the top of New Zealand to the bottom. Cape Reinga to Bluff. This ride was inspired by my late mother (Lynne) and was a chance for me to honour and remember her and her battle with lung cancer. Iā€™m also proud to say I have almost achieved my fundraising target for the @lungfoundationnz. A bit of trivia from my trip

1. 2813.76 km

2. 129 hrs and 40 mins of riding time

3. 26,938 meters of climbing ( over 3 x ascents of Everest)

4. 1 broken spoke

5. 1 replacement tyre

6. Zero punctures!!

Thanks everyone who has supported me along the way especially Tiffany Scott David Boardman Mo McKenzie Andy Hodges The Barry Family Andrew Kininmonth and Jo Kininmonth Diane & Ross Annand

Sponsorship still open if you are interested

Thanks again to those who have already donated

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Jason on 30 Oct 2022
Congratulations Dave. A wonderful achievement supporting a great cause. Can also relate to the challenge of losing a parent to cancer in England when we are so far away down here
Dave Scott

Thanks Jason for your words and support

Dave Scott
Nick on 29 Oct 2022
Well done Dave...inspirational journey supporting a fantastic cause.
Dave Scott

Thanks so much Nick, great to have your support and company over the Crown Range šŸš“šŸ™šŸ¤©

Dave Scott
Alison on 25 Oct 2022
Well done Dave. The TA is on my bucket list (much slower!). What a wonderful cause. Congratulations
Dave Scott

Thanks Alison really appreciate your support šŸ¤©šŸš“šŸ™šŸ»

Dave Scott
Nikki and Rob
Nikki and Rob on 25 Oct 2022
Dave Scott

Thanks Nikki & Rob for your support look forward to seeing you soon šŸ¤©šŸš“šŸ™šŸ«”

Dave Scott
Heather on 25 Oct 2022
Well done Dave!
Dave Scott

Thanks Heather it was great to see you on my way south šŸ¤©šŸš“ā¤ļø

Dave Scott

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Created by Dave Scott
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 31 Jul 2022 and ended on 5 Nov 2022.