Almost HALFWAY to our target!
8 April 2022End of week one and we are closing in on being HALFWAY to our target!
We have had some incredible support this week, including the awesome team at New World Porirua who matched $1K and everyone who donated to unlock that. Double the impact!
Today was the last day of classes for what has been a very busy term 1. With the COVID/Omicron situation in our community we had to pause in-person classes for a few weeks. Our now, unfortunately, well practiced response includes recipe instruction videos teamed with contactless deliveries of ingredients, recipe sheets, and fresh produce packs. For Learners who have been unwell with COVID we have also delivered delicious, nutritious meals made with lots of aroha to help with their recovery. Our team and Learners were happy to get back onsite last week, and to round out the term this week we made delicious chicken & sweetcorn dumplings and ANZAC biscuits.
With your help we are tracking towards our target - but we still need your help to get the word out to as many people as possible so please #donate and #share #share #share!!
And to say thanks for your support... here is a WELLfed TOP TIP - with frozen pastry sheets and some fresh fruit you can make a simple home made Danish pastries <$1 for a tray!
Cut fejoia and/or apple really thin (keep the skin on) and layer onto a pastry sheet, then sprinkle with sugar/cinnamon. Pictured are some delicious apple and fejoia danishes we made in class around this time of year back in 2019, as it is fejoia season! If you're feeling creative, a layer of custard between the pastry and fruit makes it extra yum!
Check out this and other delicious WELLfed recipes (including the chicken & sweetcorn dumplings we made this week!) on our website -