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Maria's Fit-To-Fight Challenge 2022

$1,450 donated
Given by 41 generous donors in 7 weeks

Participating in BOXING ALLEY'S FIT TO FIGHT CHALLENGE (October 2022)


🇳🇿 DING DING DING! For 8 weeks I will be training at Boxing Alley to step into the boxing ring (no head contact) to raise funds for Ciudad de Dios (City of God), a non-profit foundation in Colombia that seeks to provide home and education for children and their families who are victims of sexual violence and other types of violence. The foundation ensures the basic needs of a child such as: home, food, education, personal care and emotional treatment. Your donation will be used for payment of services, food, maintenance, construction or particular needs of each child.

Help me raise funds for thousands of boys and girls in Colombia as I step into the ring for charity!

🇨🇴 DING DING DING! Durante 8 semanas estaré entrenando en Boxing Alley para subir al ring de boxeo Y recaudar fondos para Ciudad de Dios, una fundación sin ánimo de lucro que busca brindar hogar y educación a niños, niñas y a sus familias de víctimas violencia sexual y otros tipos de violencia. La fundación asegura las necesidades básicas tales como: techo, alimentación, educación, cuidado personal y trato afectivo. Tu donación será usada para el pago de los servicios, alimentos, mantenimiento, construcciones y otras necesidades particulares de cada uno de los niños y niñas.

¡Anímate a ayudar a miles de niños y niñas en Colombia! Y de paso me ayudas a mi, dándome ánimos para subirme al ring!


Participating in


Join us and support the participants of Boxing Alley's 'Fit to Fight' challenge who are fundraising for their chosen charities.

Latest donations

Mais on 30 Sep 2022
Good luck amiguitaaaa! ✨🥊
Ashika on 30 Sep 2022
Go lil dynamite! You've got this 🥊
Puvi on 30 Sep 2022
Very proud, great cause <3
Delnaz on 14 Sep 2022
Best of Luck Maria. Proud of you :)
Maria Ruiz Beltran

Thanks Del, much appreciated 💕🦋

Maria Ruiz Beltran
Palpatine's Little Ewok
Palpatine's Little Ewok on 13 Sep 2022
For the dorm
Maria Ruiz Beltran

Thanks for your donation - I will fight for the dorm! 💪🏼

Maria Ruiz Beltran

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Created by Maria Ruiz Beltran
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This campaign started on 15 Aug 2022 and ended on 5 Oct 2022.