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The Comerford Family need our help. Brendan is fighting bowel cancer and his 3yo son Jacob has just been diagnosed with a brain

$2,319 donated
Given by 9 generous donors in 18 days

Friends of the Comerford family are asking for support through participating in this multi-sports event on Sun 3rd May at 8:30am


THE FUNDRAISER EVENT: Grab your mates and family and support this event by either paddling, cycling, running or walking to support the Comerfords and their fight against Cancer.

Paddlers and Cyclist leave from Hikoikoi Reserve Petone at 8:30am

The runners and walkers will leave Seatoun (Te Kura Maori O Nga Mokopuna) at the same time for a 1.5 hr circuit with everyone arriving at Seatoun at 10-10:30am for complementary soup, chowder and rolls.

$20 per participant (kids free)

Entertainment, mingling, raffles, seafood fritters and baking is also available. Also waka ama rides depending on weather. Course details and more information to follow

Mates Paddle for Life - From Hikoikoi reserve Petone to Seatoun (11km)

Mates Ride For Life - Leaving from Hikoikoi reserve to Seatoun (1.5hrs)

Mates Run For Life - Leaving from Seatoun to Seatoun (1-1.5hrs)

Mates Walk For Life - Leaving from Seatoun to Seatoun (1-1.5hrs)

COST: $20 per participant (Children free)

The finishing point is Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Nga Mokopuna in Seatoun where we will enjoy a complimentary brunch together, mingle and have a mini-festival in support of the Comerfords. There will also be seafood fritters and baking for sale and waka rides depending on weather.


Please support the Comerford's in their time of need by gathering up your mates and family members and participating or/and by making a donation.

Brendan and Raukawa are a hard working couple supporting their four children, including youngest, 3yo Jacob. Earlier this year Brendan was diagnosed with bowel cancer and is presently off work recovering from his operation. Chemotherapy is pending. As if the family did not have enough to cope with, baby Jacob in the last few days has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. This necessitated his urgent transfer from Wellington to Christchurch to receive critical treatment.

Consequently, the family has relocated to Christchurch at very short notice to support Jacob for the duration of his operation and recovery and Brendan will undergo his treatment in Christchurch as well.

Thank you for showing your Aroha.

Tere Kiriau's involvement (page creator)

We are friends and friends of friends of the Comerfords and we want to our support to them through this difficult time

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 May 2015
Our prayers are with you.
Tapiata-Bright on 03 May 2015
Kia kaha e te Whanau
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 May 2015
arohanui mai
Today's event
Today's event on 03 May 2015
Thank you to all of the paddlers cyclist runners and walkers. A tremendous effort. A special thanks to Te Kura Maori o Nga Mokopuna for sharing their whare with us. Nikita Vanessa and ronnie for the Kai. Linda and Natasha for the runners and walkers Chris and Numa with paddlers and Mark and Chris with the cyclist. Nga mini nui
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 May 2015

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This campaign started on 21 Apr 2015 and ended on 10 May 2015.