Matt's CAP marathon

$430 of $500 goal
Given by 9 generous donors in 4 weeks

Running my fourth Auckland marathon in a row to raise funds for CAP NZ


They help families and individuals struggling with debt that restricts them from living a better life. I've seen too many families struggle with money problems, the work these guys do DOES work!

Running my fourth Auckland marathon in a row to raise funds for CAP NZ

Participating in

CAP marathon

CAP marathon

Latest donations

Sally on 04 Nov 2014
Well done Matt! Awesome performance & for a great cause. All the best for Vegas.
Jacinda Yeoman
Jacinda Yeoman on 03 Nov 2014
Nice wee warm up for Vegas!
John & Faye Ansley
John & Faye Ansley on 02 Nov 2014
Well done. Good PB!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Nov 2014
Fourth time - what a champ! Thanks on behalf of the staff and those we help in NZ bro!
saeyorn on 21 Oct 2014
Good wtm training!

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 Oct 2014 and ended on 7 Nov 2014.