Exponential Performance Podcast Community

$702 donated
Given by 18 generous donors in 6 weeks

If you have found the Exponential Performance Podcast beneficial please consider paying it forward in the form of a small donation.


If you have found the Exponential Performance Podcast beneficial please consider paying it forward in the form of a small donation.

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Latest donations

Steve on 24 Dec 2017
Great listening to your podcasts. Keep it up
Greg Maclaren
Greg Maclaren on 22 Dec 2017
Hey Matty, I think you're doing great work. I hop this donation helps a little. Greg
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Dec 2017
Exponential Performance Podcast Charity

Cheers mate. Much appreciated.

Exponential Performance Podcast Charity
Glen Jelley
Glen Jelley on 20 Dec 2017
Keep up the great work Matty. The pod casts are invaluable. Always get some good info
Exponential Performance Podcast Charity

Thanks for that mate. I am pleased to hear you find them useful and thanks for paying that gratitude forward.

Exponential Performance Podcast Charity
Chris O'Leary
Chris O'Leary on 20 Dec 2017
Fantastic to be able to give as part of the EPC team during this Christmas season
Exponential Performance Podcast Charity

Cheers mate.

Exponential Performance Podcast Charity
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This campaign started on 13 Nov 2017 and ended on 25 Dec 2017.