Participating in Mount Everest Challenge 2023
Bay of Plenty
The organisation 'Live for More' is an organisation that I can align with, helping Rangatahi/Youth find freedom. Doing my bit to support, is all I want to do. As Dame Whina Cooper said. "Take care of our children. Take care of what they hear, take care of what they see, take care of what they feel. For how the children grow, so will be the shape of Aotearoa." Mauri ora!
Mount Everest Challenge 2024 in full swing! 19 February 2024
Good morning,
We are now in week two of our Mount Everest Challenge for 2024! It's our 10 year anniversary this year, so we are really gunning for an exciting and successful campaign!
You can find all info surrounding our Everest Challenge this year on our website at the below address:
Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates and chances to win!
To check out this years givealittle, donate or register, visit the link below:
We're looking forward to another great year! See you at the top!
Walk, run or crawl up the Mount 38 times in 50 days while raising much needed funds for Live for More.
Kia orana korua. Thank you e te whānau for your kind donation. I really appreciate it. Meitaki!
kia ora my cuzzy! Thank you very much for your kind donation my bro. Have an awesome e te whanau! Mauri ora!
Kia ora e te whanau! Thank you for your koha aroha. I really appreciate it. have an awesome Easter e te whanau, Matapihi ki te Ao! Mauri ora!