Meow Meow - Bus Stop Cat

$1,000 of $2,000 goal
Given by 24 generous donors in 13 days

Celebrate and remember the joy Meow Meow brought to our local community, the country and the world.

Long Bay, Auckland

Sadly Meow Meow was taken from us and the local Long Bay community recently. While we hope that she is alive and being cared for, we have now accepted the fact that we will not see her again.

To celebrate her time and the joy she brought to everyone, we'd like to raise money for a couple of deserving animal based Charities - SPCA and Gutter Kitties. All donations will be spit evenly between these two charities.

If you haven't already please follow her social media on Facebook and Instagram - Meow Meow - Bus Stop Cat and remember the happy times and memories she brought us all.

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Latest donations

Heather on 09 Jan 2023
Andrew Ross

Thank you so much. $500 each will be donated to SPCA and Gutter Kitties.

Andrew Ross
Charles on 09 Jan 2023
I always spent some time with Meow Meow at the bus stop every time I got to Long Bay, hope she enjoys a happy life somewhere.
Andrew Ross

Thank you so much. $500 each will be donated to SPCA and Gutter Kitties.

Andrew Ross
Lorena on 09 Jan 2023
Meuw Meuw, I was blessed to have met you and I pray that you can come back to your lovely family. I have faith you will be saved soon, please be strong girl.
Andrew Ross

Thank you so much. $500 each will be donated to SPCA and Gutter Kitties.

Andrew Ross
Caleb on 09 Jan 2023
I don't have much till I get paid but even just my 5 dollar donation should help. I miss meow meow I hope he's safe.
Andrew Ross

Thank you so much. $500 each will be donated to SPCA and Gutter Kitties.

Andrew Ross
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Jan 2023
Miss our Meow Meow…
Andrew Ross

Thank you so much. $500 each will be donated to SPCA and Gutter Kitties.

Andrew Ross

Who's involved?

Andrew Ross's avatar
Created by Andrew Ross
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
Tax credit
Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 28 Dec 2022 and ended on 11 Jan 2023.