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Mia, Piper and Friends 'Fountain of Peace NZ - Walk with a Purpose'

  • Congratulations to Mia, Piper and friends for completing their 'Fountain of Peace NZ - Walk with a Purpose'!

      11 September 2024
    Main image

    Last Sunday, Mia, Piper and over 30 of their friends and family set off from the Sign of the Takahe shortly after 8 am and walked for two hours and twenty minutes on their 'Fountain of Peace NZ - Walk with a Purpose' event.

    This wonderful group of walkers ranged in age from primary school to retirement and were accompanied by five enthusiastic pet dogs.

    On behalf of Fountain of Peace Children's Foundation NZ, I would like to extend our utmost gratitude to Mia and Piper for putting their hands up to become student ambassadors for our charity. Both of these girls have such huge hearts to make a difference and have worked so hard to create this event, helping to raise awareness and funds required to help care for the 25 babies and toddlers living in our Bethel Babies Home in Uganda.

    A big thanks also to friends and family members who showed their love and support by getting up early on Sunday to 'Walk With a Purpose' with Mia and Piper. We are so grateful to each and every one of these walkers for their kindness, enthusiasm and willingness to help create change together.

    And to all who so generosly sponsored Mia, Piper and their friends, thank you so very, very much. Your support in helping to care for the babies and toddlers in the care of Fountain of Peace means so much and we are incredibly grateful to each of you.

    (Photo taken at the halfway point looking out over Lyttelton Harbour).

    Tania Sharr

    Canterbury Coordinator

    Fountain of Peace Children's Foundation NZ

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