North Shore Half Marathon

$665 of $1,000 goal
Given by 10 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help motivate me to run!!


I am running the North Shore Half Marathon on 6th September. To motivate me and make it worthwhile I would like to raise $1,000 for CCS Disability Action.

New Zealand's recent census shows that over 1 Million (25%!!!) of Kiwi's struggle with some form of disability. CCS aims to help build an inclusive society where nobody has to feel left out.

Michael Moran's involvement (page creator)

I am interested in raising money for CCS because I believe in an inclusive society.

Latest donations

John Moroney
John Moroney on 05 Sep 2015
Go well Buddy! For a great cause!
Jovita on 24 Aug 2015
You are mad
KK on 10 Aug 2015
I wish I could attend as a cheerleader & wait for you at the finish line with refreshments :) next time!
Steffi on 07 Aug 2015
I know you can do it :)
jing on 05 Aug 2015
good luck!

Who's involved?

Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Aug 2015 and ended on 6 Sep 2015.