Mike Roberts is off BUT he wants a favour

$1,700 donated
Given by 22 generous donors in 4 weeks

Dig deep to help the victims of domestic violence


It has been a huge privilege to work at the DHB and I would like to thank the many people with whom I have worked for contributing their expertise and commitment to improve the health and wellbeing of our people.

I have made it clear that I want no ‘farewell gifts’. I have all that I could ever need and, in any case, the good memories I take away are worth far more to me.


I do have one request…

A far more worthy recipient of anything you might (or might not😁) have contributed to a leaving present is the Women’s refuge in Whangarei. They help people at a time of immense stress and distress and they need all the support they can get.

Please dig deep and make a donation that reflects the importance of their work.

Thank You


Latest update

Thank You!  3 October 2021

Massive thank you to everybody for their donations. It means such a lot to me and so did your messages. I will honestly treasure them. Between you, $1700 went to the women’s refuge and I think that is absolutely awesome. Best leaving present I could’ve had. Thank you

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Latest donations

Sarah on 29 Sep 2021
Mike, I don't have words enough to describe the difference you have made to my career, to my development, to my wellbeing, and to my general work satisfaction being an SMO in leadership. You have always had my back, even when the tide may have been against me, when I've been pushing for what is "right". As a woman in leadership I have met many hurdles, and sat at many tables where I can't even get a word in. Never at your table though. The way you have chaired your meetings has ensured that everyone with something to say has been heard, and with an equal footing. I will so miss having you in the organisation, and you can definitely expect to hear from me when I have a tricky situation come to hand - even if you aren't being paid to answer it! Haha!
Chris J
Chris J on 24 Sep 2021
All the best Mike! Many thanks for the support and kind words during my families difficult time through Kiel's illness. It certainly won't be the same without you and I will miss your quick wit and humour. All the best for your next move!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Sep 2021
Margriet on 22 Sep 2021
Gutted to see you leave. You are and will remain my champion for climate change and sustainability. I can't thank you enough for your support and all you have done for me during the years to progress to where we are today. Good luck with your new adventure.
Rhys on 21 Sep 2021
Tēnei te mihi nui ki a koe e Mike. Thanks for the support you've given our team and myself in particular..... and for showing that it's all good to have a laugh. All the best.

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Created by Mike Roberts
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This campaign started on 2 Sep 2021 and ended on 2 Oct 2021.