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Money for Mates! Help support a great charity & Mon get fit!

  • Next Goal!

      10 September 2024
    Main image

    Well next goal is $2500 - Stretch goal but why the heck not!

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  • End of week 6 update - Halfway there!

      26 August 2024

    We got to half way - it's been a journey - the body is getting used to taking a few knocks in sparring! It is certainly the most challenging event i have put myself up for. We have an awesome team, awesome trainers and awesome environment to keep trying to be better.

    Thanks for the support. It means so much to me :)

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  • New Goal Set

      22 August 2024

    Seeing my people are so generous - I decided to push the boat out with the sponsorship! Love your work guys and thank you from the bottom of my heart (and my sore nose after it got a good thump at training last night!)

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  • Week 6

      21 August 2024

    Half way through week 6 of 13. Getting serious into the sparring in the ring now and taken a couple of good punches to the nose. Had a week off with the flu and everyone has stepped up in that week. Time to get of my arse and get training properly!! Thanks for your donations so far

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  • Goal set

      27 July 2024

    Trying to do my part to raise money for suicide awareness. I’ve seen first hand the amazing work these charities do, and unfortunately I a lot of kiwis are affected every year by suicide.

    It’s ok to not be ok.

    It’s ok to ask for help


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