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Monty the Man-Cat for Top Cat Model

$10 of $500 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in 4 weeks

I adopted Monty 6 years ago from the Wellington CPL. He survived physical abuse as a kitten and after coming to the CPL when he tried to


The Welington Cats Protection League is a small charity run completely by volunteers. Every year they help find new homes for hundreds of cats and kittens. They exist only by fundraising and donations and do an amazing job

I adopted Monty 6 years ago from the Wellington CPL.

He survived physical abuse as a kitten and after coming to the CPL when he tried to kill the 3 year old in his next family, we found each other. He’s an incredibly smart, loving and loyal cat with just a few residual anger management issues we're still working through.

Latest update

Update for 07/06/2010  7 June 2010

Well, it's been a very wet and nasty weekend, but thankfully Mum's had the fire lit for me to enjoy. It's a very hard life I live here with lots of sleeping and stretching to do. And Mum's a tough one to keep in line.She still goes out every weekend and comes home smelling of lots of other cats! I know she's been fooling around up at the Wellington Cats Protection League shelter. But at least I'm the one she comes home to!

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2010 New Zealands Next Top Cat Model

2010 New Zealands Next Top Cat Model

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Guest Donor on 05 Jun 2010

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Kris Rogers's avatar
Created by Kris Rogers
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Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 Jun 2010 and ended on 3 Jul 2010.