Morgan Schuler - Stepping into the ring to fight for Child Trafficking in Vietnam

$377 of $2,500 goal
Given by 11 generous donors in 5 weeks

Money raised goes towards supporting the amazing work Blue Dragon Charity does to save Vietnamese children sold into the slave and sex trade


I got into the square ring for the first time last year as a bit of a challenge and the opportunity to thump someone without getting in trouble...

A nose reconstruction later and I'm keen to do it all over again. The trainings been full on so hopefully it'll be a decent show on the night. I'm fundraising for The Blue Dragon Children's Foundation again, have a read of the little blurb below. Tickets for the event go on sale at 9am on Friday 12th of May under the below link. Quick heads up, last year they sold out in an hour so if you're keen make sure you're on the ball. Come along and show your support!!

Morgan Schuler's involvement (page creator)

I'm jumping in the ring for Blue Dragon, an awesome charity rescuing Vietnamese kids kidnapped and sold into slave and sex trades. They help these kids escape these horrific lives, give them medical care and return them to their families. They then provide an education and get them started in life. I represented Blue Dragon last year and now get a monthly success story, some of them are unreal. I'm proud to fight for these guys again, please flick them some coin.

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Tom and Sophie Hoult
Tom and Sophie Hoult on 15 Jun 2017
GOOOOOO MORRRGYYYYYYY Thinking of you from afar and have every faith you'll smash it even though I hate boxing and am worried about your face x
Penny on 12 Jun 2017
Amanda Pipe
Amanda Pipe on 08 Jun 2017
Good luck Morgan!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 May 2017
ANZ Crew
ANZ Crew on 17 May 2017

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This campaign started on 10 May 2017 and ended on 18 Jun 2017.