Mount 17 Hour Challenge

$2,707 donated
Given by 62 generous donors in 12 weeks

Sponsor me to put myself through the paces for charity and Peyton

Bay of Plenty

I have a daughter that has Global Neurological Delay and is on the spectrum for Autism, Peyton turns 5 next year and has never said a word.

She's absolutely amazing and lights up my life everyday, We have been incredibly fortunate and have received help from many charities and agencies to help with her learning and development and its time give back.

On November the 20th starting at 5pm i will run up and down Mount Maunganui for 17 hours with a goal of 25 ascends which is equivelant to 5800 meters which is over 2km higher than Mt Cook.

What i need you to do is share this page and if you can head to my Give a little page (insert link) and spare a few dollars, If you want you can sponsor me per climb or whatever you can spare.

All proceeds will be going to Autism NZ and CCS Disability Action.

Crest Steyn's involvement (page creator)

All proceeds will be going to Autism NZ and CCS Disability Action!

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Latest donations

Joelle on 22 Nov 2015
You rock my Bro!! Well done! I am so proud of you!! X
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Nov 2015
Kylee morris
Kylee morris on 22 Nov 2015
Love that Beauty queen missy P!!
David Fenton
David Fenton on 22 Nov 2015
Huge respect bro!! Wicked effort. Congratulations!!
George on 22 Nov 2015
My China!!!! We are so proud of you and what you have achieved!!! This is well deserved!!!

Who's involved?

Crest Steyn's avatar
Created by Crest Steyn
Donations to this page will be split evenly between 2 payees:
Tax credit
Donations of over $10 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 25 Aug 2015 and ended on 23 Nov 2015.